View Full Version : Choke wont work

03-06-2015, 06:49 AM
Iv had my used 2007 gz250 for about 3 years now, and never had any probs, rountien oile and filter change, but after this winter where it sat for 3 mouths, it fired but the choke wont work at all! it gives me nothing when i play with the choke, and it use to be very easy to hear when the choke was on, now its hard to start when its cold without no choke, cable seems fine and the airfilter is clean too. My question should i take the carb apart and try to clean it?

03-06-2015, 08:18 AM
Iv had my used 2007 gz250 for about 3 years now, and never had any probs, rountien oile and filter change, but after this winter where it sat for 3 mouths, it fired but the choke wont work at all! it gives me nothing when i play with the choke, and it use to be very easy to hear when the choke was on, now its hard to start when its cold without no choke, cable seems fine and the airfilter is clean too. My question should i take the carb apart and try to clean it?
The end of the choke plunger comes out of the carb very easily.One nut & thats it.No need to disturb the carb.The choke plunger can siege in the carb bore. ;) :)

03-06-2015, 11:29 AM
The end of the choke plunger comes out of the carb very easily.One nut & thats it.No need to disturb the carb.The choke plunger can siege in the carb bore. ;) :)

Just remove clean and lube.