View Full Version : Bobber

01-25-2015, 07:11 PM
Looking to turn my 01 GZ into a bobber I bought the bike used in someone took the rear fender off and did the back end of it now I'm looking to put the stubby handlebars on there looking to see where's a good place to get them is there a one-stop shop for parts or do I just need to search around and once I get the smaller bars on there what do I do with all the cables is there a kit for shorter cables? And if there was a threat on this I'm sorry I did not see it thanks

Water Warrior 2
01-25-2015, 11:21 PM
Looking to turn my 01 GZ into a bobber I bought the bike used in someone took the rear fender off and did the back end of it now I'm looking to put the stubby handlebars on there looking to see where's a good place to get them is there a one-stop shop for parts or do I just need to search around and once I get the smaller bars on there what do I do with all the cables is there a kit for shorter cables? And if there was a threat on this I'm sorry I did not see it thanks
First things first. Please use punctuation in your posts. It makes it a lot easier to read and understand.

Go to sideroadcycles.com for a very good selection of bars. Look up the GZ bars and make adjustments to your needs. Look for bars that fit the bill. Don't worry about a kit for shorter cables until you have the bars on and have determined if short cables are needed. 2 or 3 inches of extra cable is easy to deal with.