View Full Version : oil leaking fron crank case

11-18-2014, 11:33 AM

I'm a new owner of 1999 GZ250 which been totally rebuild.
bike is in exalent conidition but I'm facing an annoying problem of oil
the leak is from the of the crank case ,bellow the carb and in the point
were 2 halves of the crank case meet (there is no gusket between these
2 parts), I've tried to fix it with JB weld cement ,but the leak happend
again -200 km after repair..
I wonder if anyone familiar with that kind of a problem,and I'll be happy
if there is known solution for that.

thank you in advance and sorry for my non native English ..

12-08-2014, 07:39 PM
Hi, i think i have the same problem, when i drive for 10km or more the heated engine burns the oil leaking and everyone around me can notice the smoke while im driving... :( id like to see if i cant handle this problem by myself before taking it to service and repairs place.

let me know if you find something.

12-08-2014, 08:13 PM
this problem require a compete disassemble of the engine to reapply RTV silicon

12-09-2014, 01:36 AM
Hi there
I've manage to solve the problem by applying heat resistant RTV
on top of leaking source, I cleaned well the area with alcohol then I
put some red silicon (high temp for motors),let it dried for 24
hours and.....done.
be sure you can trace the leaking source , if it's come from one of the side cases (left
or right) you can easily fix it by changing the gasket.