View Full Version : Help identifying bolts and screws.

10-14-2014, 09:50 AM
Hello, I'm trying to find the specs of some missing screws on my bike, to replace them. With my poor English skills, I'm just not sure of the right terminology of those specific items. I wanted to know if anyone can give me the name of the pieces highlighted so I can do my research with the manual or if someone can simply give me the specs I'm looking for.
Top left is the bold that goes from the exhaust to the engine.
Bottom left is the bolt holding the fender struts.
and the right picture is the screw in the middle of the back fender, the one that holds the passenger seat.
Thank you for the help.

10-14-2014, 01:18 PM
Everything on this bike is Metric. If you purchase a random set from any hardware or automotive store, you'll be able to find a bolt that works. They come is little cases, like this:


This is going to be the easiest way to solve your random bolt dilemma.

If you REALLY want factory bolts, then I suggest you check out www.ronayers.com
Look through their microfiche for your bike and it will give you specific part numbers and the ability to order individual things, like bolts.

But, honestly, I would just spend $20 on a complete set of assorted nuts and bolts and solve your problem that way :)

10-14-2014, 01:20 PM
Cool, thanks !

10-16-2014, 05:42 PM
You can also usually take a bolt to a hardware store and figure out its diameter, thread size, and pitch either by using guides there, or asking for help.
The only ones I'd be particularly inclined to get OEM for is the exhaust bolts, which have to deal with pretty high heat, I wonder, are the oem ones made of anything special to account for that?

10-17-2014, 08:51 AM
You can also usually take a bolt to a hardware store and figure out its diameter, thread size, and pitch either by using guides there, or asking for help.
The only ones I'd be particularly inclined to get OEM for is the exhaust bolts, which have to deal with pretty high heat, I wonder, are the oem ones made of anything special to account for that?

The fact that they continually rust out faster than the others and are known to crack and strip easily tells me that they aren't.

10-17-2014, 01:35 PM
All nuts and bolts on the GZ are metric. A metric is a metric, is a metric, is a metric - so once you find the diameter (in millimeters) you can just go and ask for a *mm metric bolt of *mm length.