View Full Version : Oil filter change and tappet clearance check

09-10-2014, 07:53 AM
Today i bought a new filter/"0" rings-oil and a set of valve adjuster tools not only for this bike but for others that i have.also i am going to fit my new handle bars because mine are bent from the previous owner from dropping the bike.
I am going to try to take photos of each step and post it in "how to do"section,i hope this helps other fellow bikers...ken

1st pic-new handle bars
2nd pic-valve adjuster tools
3rd pic-new filter,"o" rings and oil specific for the bike

09-12-2014, 05:37 AM
Well,today after work i changed my oil/filter and adjusted my tappets.took some pics of the progress.both of these tasks are already in the "how to"section so i thought i post some pictures just to help others.
This process took me 1.5 hours with 2 coffees on the go...ken

1st pic-used oil container
2nd pic-cut out side of container for my draining oil
3rd pic-disconnecting fuel line and replace with new on
4th pic-lower hose is fuel,upper hose is vaccuum,both go to fuel tap (pet-cock)
5th pic-tappet tool and guidence from manual

09-12-2014, 05:46 AM
Not quite sure yet how to put text to pictures,I"ll work it out.

1st pic-adjusting exhaust tappets with feeler gauge and tappet adjuster tool
2nd pic-same as 1st pic,different angle
3rd pic-old oil filter with the kms writen on for next due service
4th pic-new filter about to go in
5th pic-old "o" rings,the small new one is already on the filter post ready for new filter

09-12-2014, 05:53 AM
I remember from other posts,dont forget to fill with oil and connect vaccuum hose for fuel flow-replaced fuel line (old one all cracked).
started bike and checked for fuel/oil leaks and went for a spin,all good...ken