View Full Version : Another idle issue

08-13-2014, 06:16 PM
I just bought a 2005 GZ 250. It has an idle problem I can't seem to solve. It idles high2500-3000 rpm and when it does slow down it justdies. If you try to restart it after it won't restart easily. It takes a few minutes of cranking to fire. If you wait a few minutes it fires right up. Then after 20-30 seconds of idling high it dies and repeats the process. I tried the usual suspects carb clean. Air filter, fuel petcock are good. Choke is not sticking.checked float height and changed the idle screw a bunch Changed the spark plug changed the whole carb as well. I don't know what the deal is. Any other ideas?

08-13-2014, 07:13 PM
Are you sure that the choke is not staying on.......it sure sounds like it is.

Oh and welcome to the forum.

08-13-2014, 08:29 PM
I double checked it. You can see the plunger blocking off the port into the bore. I also replaced the oring between the carb boot and head and checked the valve lash. I'll manually wedge the plunger in just to be sure.

08-15-2014, 06:22 PM
I just bought a 2005 GZ 250. It has an idle problem I can't seem to solve. It idles high2500-3000 rpm and when it does slow down it justdies. If you try to restart it after it won't restart easily. It takes a few minutes of cranking to fire. If you wait a few minutes it fires right up. Then after 20-30 seconds of idling high it dies and repeats the process. I tried the usual suspects carb clean. Air filter, fuel petcock are good. Choke is not sticking.checked float height and changed the idle screw a bunch Changed the spark plug changed the whole carb as well. I don't know what the deal is. Any other ideas?
WOW, I have similar problems. Mine speeds up, slows down but if I give it some gas it won't stall. I did the carb repair kit and was thinking of changing the carb but I see that it didn't help YOU so I may not try it. I did all the same things you did except the new carb. Very puzzling isn't it, and mine is a 2005 also. Must have been a bad year lol

08-15-2014, 06:27 PM
Did you check the valves?