View Full Version : Beating a dead horse (trunks and saddlebags)

06-30-2014, 08:59 PM
All right, I have seen lots of posts about trunks, saddlebags, and more. However I have NOT seen any where the trunks are on with hard saddle bags and still keeping the backseat.
If possible could you all post a picture of your bike along with who made the baggage? I'm looking for hard bags and trunk similar to these

And this


However I'm afraid these are to big for the GZ. Any help with this would be amazing!!!
If your energetic enough links would be great too, I'm hoping to stay in the $300-$400 range for the whole setup.

06-30-2014, 10:30 PM
chines scooter trunk

07-17-2014, 01:59 AM
So I got the saddlebags on and have loved them so far. I am going to make a couple changes to make them better though.
1. These aren't to be used to "secure" items in. One solid yank and they are broken and open.
2. I'm going to put a shaped piece of plywood in the bottom to give more stability. I will be bolting it to the bottom.
3. It's bare plastic/fiberglass on the inside. Anything you put in May get scuffed up, so I'm lining the inside with felt.
4. These are waterproof (we had a huge storm come through and everything stayed dry) but I am going to replace the seal on the lid with something a bit more beefy? to give a better seal and give me more of a warm fuzzy about it.
5. The locking mechanism is pretty weak, but I haven't a clue what to do about that.

All in all even though I listed all this I have been really happy with them and they have performed exactly how I wanted plus they were only $99. I think if they did everything I listed they would probably go for over $200 so I am really happy.
Once my trunk arrives and it's mounted I'll post a picture on that too.
My first trunk arrived broken. :/ fedexs fault!
Just based off seeing the broken trunk I would say I'll be doing numbers 3 and 4 to the trunk too.

07-17-2014, 08:03 AM
Oh, nice! Locking hard bags were an option I was going to go with just before I sold her.

Those look really good. Nice job.

Water Warrior 2
07-17-2014, 11:20 AM
Looks good.

gz4me +
07-17-2014, 02:43 PM
Looks nice. I have the same bags on my Yamaha 650 custom.

07-18-2014, 06:56 PM
So the trunk arrived but was damaged. Surprisingly enough the company doesn't want it back, but they are sending me a replacement. So I am waiting on that one to arrive, however I have put on the base plate for the trunk to mount too. It fits on top of the luggage rack and secures nicely with the provided brackets.
I will have to make some changes once the fixed trunk arrives I will have to modify the backrest. Basically what I will be doing is cutting the backrest off the luggage rack so I can move this base plate forwards a little and make room for the backrest of the trunk.
I didn't get any good pictures putting the saddle bags on, however it was pretty straight forward too. We had pictures but we had technical issues that caused the pictures to get deleted.

Anyway, when the trunk gets here I will get it mounted and make sure to take lots of pictures to show how I did it. :) The trunk wont be big enough for a full face helmet, but it is going to help me out a LOT when I have to make store runs, and it's going to provide a lot more comfort for my daughter when she is riding on back.

Water Warrior 2
07-18-2014, 11:46 PM
Shammua, just make sure your daughter is comfy and dress her up in riding gear. Smiles and laughter with Dad are better than tears and road rash.

07-19-2014, 12:05 AM
Already on it my friend. She has asked for the motorcycle safety course for her 16th so she can get her motorcycle license at the same time she gets her cage license. Then she wants to ride the bike all the time so she doesn't have to worry about our stupid laws of to many people in the car.

07-19-2014, 12:09 AM
Caved and put the trunk with a crack on it. Looks good and daughter loves the extra backrest size. It's very solid and stable, but god help me if I ever dump the bike, both saddles bags and trunk will be toasted. It's all fiberglass and not super thick either.
I'll take better pictures tomorrow. Also next week when my actual (unbroken) trunk arrives I will take pictures of how I attached it.

07-19-2014, 04:07 AM
Dunno if it will work with yours, but with mine I removed the backrest and made a couple of short pieces to replace the arms, as the original backrest fitted between the mounting plate and the base plate.

b13.jpg (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=289&stc=1&d=1405757202)

Water Warrior 2
07-19-2014, 03:27 PM
Think of the fibreglass as crumple zones and sacrificial if something bad happens. Flesh and bones are harder to replace.

08-10-2014, 03:21 AM
Well I have a pic of my baby with trunk and saddlebags on. I just don't have a very good internet connection so I am having issues uploading a picture right now. On the flip side it works grat, my daughter is more comfortable, and I can haul a Lot more than I could before.

Water Warrior 2
08-10-2014, 01:56 PM
Looks good from here. Another success story. :tup:

08-12-2014, 10:11 PM
Very nice Shammua, the bike looks great and I'm sure you can carry a lot more cargo now. :)

08-13-2014, 12:29 AM
As of today it has been great, my daughter loves the extra sized backrest, and we can carry so much more now. It's also water tight, it was POURING and nothing inside got wet. I've been very happy to date. If anyone is wondering it's the Mutazu GA saddle bags and trunk.

gz4me +
08-13-2014, 06:42 AM
You did a nice job. The GA bags are good bags. Grandson wants to put the GA bags that are on the Yamaha 650 on his GZ. I have not decided what to do yet. I was thinking of leaving the old ones on the 650 and buying new ones for his birthday in Sept. Still need to get the GZ running before anything else. Glad to hear you and daughter are enjoying the bike.

08-13-2014, 02:03 PM
Best thing I did was have my daughter sit on the bike and get a feel for where the bags should go. We actually did the same thi for the trunk too since it seemed to push her forward more even when the backrest was in the same basic place as the old stock rest. Also when I get home I'll explain better how we put the trunk on. It's not very elegant but it's sturdy and we used the stock luggage carrier and one of the brackets for saddle bags that it had on it before.
I'll explain later so I can attach pictures of it too.

gz4me +
08-13-2014, 02:40 PM
I would be interested in that. I have been playing with the idea of putting a trunk on one or both the bikes.

08-13-2014, 11:27 PM
Ok so here is the only picture I seemed to have taken of the bracket and how I did the trunk before I mounted it. So what I did was the screw holes bracket (hope that makes sense) is set under the luggage rack and the rest of the bracket is on top. Once I used the ring thingies (don't remember what they are actually called) it was so solid I was able to fully stand the bike up off the kick stand and shake it around without any movement of the bracket. So after that I was able to mount the trunk to the provided mount as it said in the directions. All in all it was really easy.
Lesson learned is to make sure you check the setup of the trunk AND saddle bags when mounting it or you may miss align and not be able to open the saddlebags. Thank god my remedy was simply to move the saddlebags one screw hole lower on the brackets they provided.

Next step now is to mount the power point and iPhone holder. After that the daughter has asked for a cup holder on the rear and also I'm considering getting the Butty Buddy to make it more comfortable for her as well. After that I'm looking at a fairing, lol once I'm done it's going to look like it weighs a ton but actually it will in the end only weigh an extra 10-15 pounds. :)