View Full Version : Dies while riding

05-30-2014, 05:40 AM
2002 GZ 5800 miles, started cutting off last July while riding approx 10 minutes. Took it to a mechanic this spring and replaced carb and fuel switch.
Rode for the first time after "repairs". Died after 9 miles. Acts like it's not getting gas. Will restart at first. Each time it dies, gets harder to start. Eventually it won't restart. Waited 1 hour and was able to start it and ride home. It seems both fuel and temp related. Any suggestions out there? This isn't fun anymore.

05-30-2014, 07:23 AM
Hi and welcome. Check the fuel lines for kinks or obstructions. Try turning the petcock to Prime, go for a ride and see if the same thing happens, if it does, open the petrol cap and see if it will start.

Make sure the vacuum hoses are connected and not kinked or blocked.

More advice is going to follow from members who have a wealth of knowledge about this machine. Good luck.

05-30-2014, 12:22 PM
can be the CDI

check for spark wen don't star

05-30-2014, 06:55 PM
does it start to bog down first and then stop, or is it sudden like you hit the kill switch?

gz4me +
06-01-2014, 04:20 AM
Welcome to the forum. If you can, pull the plug right after it dies. Check to see if it is wet. Perhaps you are getting to much fuel rather than not enough. What does your air cleaner look like? Maybe it needs changed.

06-01-2014, 06:29 AM
Thanks for the welcomes! Took the bike out again yesterday. Started fine, ran smooth... until 12 miles out. Just before she shut off, it lost power and no response to the throttle (if that's bogging down?) Same as the time before. Waited 20 mins, couldn't restart it. Tried taking the gas cap off, starting in pri, no good. Air cleaner is good. No kinks in hoses, no disconnected hoses. New tank of 93 octane gas with seafoam. Tried waiting 20 min intervals and restart, NG wore down the battery. It did start once but shut off right away.
Ended up leaving the bike, walking home with battery. The real end of the story was the state trooper pounding on my door two hours after I had gone to sleep wanting to know why the bike was left there. aargh. Haven't pulled the spark plug yet. Don't know what to look at next. Do these bike shut off if overheating?

Water Warrior 2
06-01-2014, 06:43 PM
Did you put in a proper amount of Seafoam? A real heavy does could mung things up too well by loosening too much grunge in the tank and fuel system.

Before I forget. 87 octane is all you need to feed the bike. Anything over that is not needed and a waste of $. The GZ is basically a 3rd world bike where many fuels are 90% sticks and stones and the rest is noncombustible.

06-02-2014, 05:03 PM
One oz/gal of seafoam.

06-02-2014, 07:40 PM
Maggy: Is there any chance you could post a video of you trying to start the bike? Maybe a video after it cuts off (if you can't record while riding safely). Welcome to the forum.

06-04-2014, 01:32 PM
Try starting it again. It may start when cool? Then ride it home and keep going over things. These are simple bikes with simple requirements. And these problems can drive you crazy.

Carbs rarely need replacing. Cleaning on occasion yes, but not replacing. Makes sure vac line on back of fuel valve is connected, although you tried to start in PRI. But if it's not connected, could cause running issues.

Have you tried RESERVE? It does have gas right? Just a thought...

Good luck