View Full Version : burnt oil smell...

05-20-2014, 01:42 AM
hello...recently got an ultra clean 2009 GZ250 with a bit over 1500 miles; during a ride I had a worrysome incident which might be related to a burnt oil odor that I smell after a decently long run; the incident...a battery tender lead fell out from the side panel below the seat and got caught in the throttle assembly; this caused the throttle to be jammed open and the rpm's were really high after pulling in the clutch at a stop light...this lasted for @ 15-20 seconds until I could shut off the ignition;

I did an oil change...put 1300 ml of oil in with a new filter; when I inspected the filter that was in the engine I noticed some shiny bits (guessing aluminum) as well as in the drained oil; I do not think that I overfilled the oil during the oil change & now I have a light burnt oil odor after running the bike for a fairly long run...otherwise the bike runs good, but I worry about inadvertant damage;

did the piston get scuffed? did I damage something to allow oil to bypass rings into the combustion chamber? is my GZ destined for an early grave?!?

05-20-2014, 08:12 AM
Sounds like you done some damage when she over revved.I would listen for knocking when started cold,a sign of bottom end damage. ;) :)

05-20-2014, 09:50 AM
s**t! that's what I feared...guess a rebuild will be happening a lot sooner than planned; haven't heard any knocking when starting cold...damned thing sounds like an anemic lawn tractor; lol!

but what gives with the burnt oil smell...ring damage?!? oh well...guess I ride it til it goes kaput then decide what to do with it...

05-21-2014, 01:04 AM
No worries, they probably didn't do the first oil change at 600 miles yet, and the first oil change always shows some metal shavings in the oil filter.

Then, the burnt oil smell is most likely from a little oil spilled on your exhaust pipes, under the engine. It will disappear with a few rides.

05-21-2014, 08:20 AM
No worries, they probably didn't do the first oil change at 600 miles yet, and the first oil change always shows some metal shavings in the oil filter.

Then, the burnt oil smell is most likely from a little oil spilled on your exhaust pipes, under the engine. It will disappear with a few rides.
I sure hope your right 5th.But he did give it a pretty good "over revving" ;) :)

05-21-2014, 10:23 PM
Thanks - fingers crossed...

05-22-2014, 12:17 AM
doesn't matter...I'll do another oil/filter change @ 2000 miles (currently @ 1900 miles +) to flush more of the crap out; then I ride it til it dies, roll it into a field somewhere and put it out of its misery with a barage of buckshot & slugs...lol!

05-22-2014, 09:53 AM
Don't do that. Parts are valuable. Part out the bike as much as you can and then recycle the metal and stuff that doesn't sell.

05-22-2014, 06:30 PM
JOKING!!! I put an extended service plan on the bike when I bought it...if it breaks then it gets fixed like being under warranty with a nominal deductible (also comes with roadside assistance); just ordered a new battery & saddlebag supports for it; I'm running it this weekend and following up with an oil/filter change (flush out the engine again) & cleaning/lubing the chain...oh greasy fun ;-)

just a bit upset that damage could have happened due to a cheap ass who didn't want to spend a few more minutes securing the battery tender lead PROPERLY!!! especially when it took me 7-10 minutes and 2 zip ties...even taping it out of the way would have been better than hanging loosely behind the side plate under the seat...this allowed the lead to fall out while riding and get caught in the throttle assembly on the side of the carburetor; ugh!!!