View Full Version : oil problem

04-01-2014, 12:20 AM
i just got my first bike a month ago, it is a gz250 2008 and it is amazing.
yesterday i was doing an oil change myself because it was very low, and i also changed the air filter. the problem is that the air filter had some oil. i do not know too much about bikes but the intake should just work with air

Water Warrior 2
04-01-2014, 02:10 AM
Welcome to the forum. You should be checking the oil level more often than once a month and topping it up when needed.
The filter is wet with oil.............do you mean the air filter element itself or the air box has oil in it? If the filter itself is wet then it should be replaced. If on the other hand you have oil at the bottom of the air box there is an easy fix which should be part of your regular maintenance. The deposits of oil mist from engine blow-by collect in the air box. You can drain this through the air box drain tube. It is a tube from the bottom of the air box to the lower frame area and hangs down near the lower frame. The hose has a plug in it. Remove the plug and drain out the oily mung and replace the plug securely. The plug prevents unfiltered air from entering the engine by bypassing the air filter. Ride Safe.

04-01-2014, 08:27 AM
WW Nailed it.

A little bit of oil collecting in the bottom of the air box is completely normal. It shouldn't be 3 inches deep, mind you. But it's nothing to worry about...unless it's 3 inches deep.

04-01-2014, 11:56 PM
hey guys this really help me alot. If it were not for you, i might have never found out