View Full Version : Ural or Royal Enfield

03-21-2014, 12:06 PM
I'm not trading in my gz250 anytime soon... But I do so enjoy looking! I find I like more classic looking bikes. The Ural Retro Solo wast favorite for a long time. Don't really want something thy big though. Then I found Royal Enfield. They look just as good and have some smaller options. Haven't been able to find a price get though.

Anyone ride either of these makes?

03-21-2014, 12:49 PM
Qasual - Ural is a super cool bike and with a side car it is double the awesome. They heavy and don't make much hP but torquey. They are like indestructible. :P

03-21-2014, 01:46 PM
Ditto on the Ural. They are amazing and will be the only scrap of civilization left, along with the cock roaches, after we and the Ruskies blow each other to smitherines...

Royal Enfields are very cool in their own right, but just know you're getting an old world bike with some old world problems. If you're a tinkerer then it's perfection. I crave the old simplistic style because of the nostalgia and the return it brings to what real motorcycling is. But if you aren't up for things like torquing your bolts all the time and having all mechanical systems, (not too dissimilar from owning any smaller and cheaper rider - only more fine tuned) then you'll be happy.



03-21-2014, 02:30 PM
Hooray Ural love! Noone I talk to seems to know these bikes. They just look so cool! Which, as we all know, is an excellent reason to buy anything.

jon, thanks for the insight on maintenance. I'm not opposed to doing it, but I want a daily rider I don't have to question.... so Ural it is! Well, probably... someday... :)

Water Warrior 2
03-21-2014, 02:44 PM
The more recent Urals are a very good bike that don't require as much tinkering as the earlier models. My friend Don has one and tears along at the maximum suggested cruising speed od 100kph(62mph)all day. His 2 wheel drive side car model will go virtually anywhere he points it.
They are actually a lot of bike for the price. Forward thinking went into the design of the original bikes. All the wheels and tires are the same which means a flat on the front, rear or side car will be taken care of by the spare on the side car.
I Googled Ural last year and was really surprised at their product improvements the past few years. The bike may still look like the original BMW of 1939 they were copied from but are much much better.

03-23-2014, 04:15 PM
The 2014 Ural Patrols are sharp looking. They come in Red/White, Black/Silver and solid Blue. Improvements on the 2014 includes: EFI, disc brakes all around, better fuel consumption and a higher maximum cruise speed (70 mph)






Water Warrior 2
03-23-2014, 08:27 PM
Oh my those are pretty. If I had one I would need to get a dog to ride with me.

03-23-2014, 10:09 PM
Oh my those are pretty. If I had one I would need to get a dog to ride with me.

I'd love to have the red/white one. But alas, there is no dealer in South Carolina and the nearest dealer is in Charlotte, North Carolina which is 4.5 hours away from here. That's a big consideration when service work is required.


03-24-2014, 11:10 AM
Service? Pssh. It's a Ural. There's nothing a jackhammer, duct tape, and super glue can't fix.

03-24-2014, 11:39 AM
I just wish they came a bit smaller. I understand the sidecar versions being 750, but a smaller solo would be awesome!

Water Warrior 2
03-24-2014, 12:31 PM
I just wish they came a bit smaller. I understand the sidecar versions being 750, but a smaller solo would be awesome!

Their factory is geared to build one bike with few options. They basically build one or two wheel drive rigs and one non side car bike. The colors are well done too. Thankfully all side car rigs have a reverse feature for backing up. They are good at doing one thing and doing it well. Sort of like the original VW bug. It just got better and better over the years.