View Full Version : Hey all from NOrth GA!

03-22-2008, 04:46 PM
Hi....I've been riding over eight years (40k+ miles). Enough to realize small (and >60MPG) is BEAUTIFUL!

I am currently riding a 600 Bandit, but I would like to sell it and just get a cheap little economical cruiser that doesn't make me look too ridiculous riding it( I'm 5'11 190). MY progression of bikes Bandit600s then FZ1 then VUlcan Mean Streak then FZ1 then Bonneville then BAndit 600s (again). Since the only riding I have time to do anymore is commuting I figure I might as well get the most out of my shrinking gas dollar. Plus to TRULY make commuting/riding economical compared to the car you HAVE to do your own maintenance. My short list of bikes:

GZ250, nighthawk 250, vulcan 500, Blast, virago 250, vulcan 750.......rebel is out...my wife had one and I tried to commute on it and it was cramped and I looked like a gorilla on a tricycle.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello! Also if anyone around Chattanooga is looking to sell let me know!

03-22-2008, 09:09 PM
I like to GZ but you are the same size as me, albeit a little heavier, and I would suggest the Ninja250 or the Blast!. My first pick would be the nighthawk if it had disc brakes.
Where are you in Dalton?

03-23-2008, 10:47 PM
In COhutta off Cleveland Highway. BTW you don't work out at the Wellness center near the hospital, do you? I have seen a GZ250 there for a while. Is there anyway I could take your bike for a spin to see how it fits? I have an endorsement and you could keep my bike as a deposit.

03-24-2008, 09:26 AM
HAHAHA. Maybe. We're just down the road a bit. We live near Pleasant Grove Elementary. I won't let you take it out on the road but I have no problem letting you put around in the abandoned Winn Dixie parking lot.

What kind of bike am I getting as a deposit?