View Full Version : Bike cuts out coming up to stop signs

01-15-2014, 01:59 AM
Hi I found sometimes wen the bike hasn't Bn ridin for a few hours and I've got back on it starts up sweet then start riding nek Minit I'm coming up to lights or stop signs and she will cut off wen I'm stil trying to change down so then I clutch and start her up again and off she goes . The idol sound strong wen I'm starting the bike .but sometimes wen I ride it just cuts out sometimes I give her a couple of revs to keep her alive and it does work but does any one else find that with there bike she didn't do it wen she's hot and been riding for a hour or longer ......hhhhhmmmmm!:confused:

01-15-2014, 03:52 AM
Yeah another thing which iz best position for fuel switch wen not riding Fuel . Pri. Or reserve thanks

01-15-2014, 05:01 AM
Qasual ; When the bike is fully warm, adjust the idle on the right side of the bike behind the cylinder head (There should be a little turn knob that is very visible) . Why I recommend this is because the idle may be set to low when the bike is starting but it is running strong because of the use of a choke and after slightly warming up you possibly started riding until it is fully warm. So when it is warm you pop her in neutral and the GZ starts to cut out, in the fully warm state adjust the idle and you should be good to go.

The second question; You should have it in the fuel position, also get familiar with where the knob is and where the other positions are. When you are losing power or cutting out due to low fuel you will have to reach down and switch it to reserve. Prime is only used when the bike (Or I would say Carburetor) is out of fuel OR the bike has been stored for a lengthy amount of time and switched back to 'FUEL' before start up unless necessary you can keep it on prime.

01-15-2014, 05:13 AM
When adjusting the big white knob (idle speed) adjust it to 1200 - 1400 RPM (Suzuki recommendation) with the engine HOT. And add some carb cleaner to the fuel tank.

01-15-2014, 07:16 PM
Thank you for the great advice

01-15-2014, 07:19 PM
Hi yeah one thing I noticed this morning iz that my bike started with stand down yesterday it needed to be up before it started iz this a bad thing?

Water Warrior 2
01-15-2014, 07:34 PM
I agree with what Qasual and Alantf said. Probably not a real problem with a little adjustment and TLC. Most newer riders aren't used to hearing a single cylinder idling at a proper speed and think it is too fast. Remember you have one little piston that only fires every 4th stroke and needs to keep the mass of moving parts to not loose their momentum.
I noticed with the bikes we had that the idle would affect the first shift into gear. Too slow of an idle and the tranny parts are not spinning fast enough to "Snick" into gear smoothly. The GZ has a smooth tranny for a budget/price point bike.
Have you ever heard a H-D crash into gear? Sure, we all have at some point. It is designed that way and part of the H-D mystique. 90% of all Japanese bikes are smooth as glass. One exception is the Honda Rebel 250 with it's pain in the butt 1st gear. Honda has never fixed it from what I have read and Lynda hated the Rebel she had during her training. She really appreciated her GZ after the Rebel.

01-15-2014, 07:59 PM
It start with the stand down with the transmission in neutro

01-16-2014, 03:47 AM
I agree with what Qasual and Alantf said. Probably not a real problem with a little adjustment and TLC. Most newer riders aren't used to hearing a single cylinder idling at a proper speed and think it is too fast. Remember you have one little piston that only fires every 4th stroke and needs to keep the mass of moving parts to not loose their momentum.
I noticed with the bikes we had that the idle would affect the first shift into gear. Too slow of an idle and the tranny parts are not spinning fast enough to "Snick" into gear smoothly. The GZ has a smooth tranny for a budget/price point bike.
Have you ever heard a H-D crash into gear? Sure, we all have at some point. It is designed that way and part of the H-D mystique. 90% of all Japanese bikes are smooth as glass. One exception is the Honda Rebel 250 with it's pain in the butt 1st gear. Honda has never fixed it from what I have read and Lynda hated the Rebel she had during her training. She really appreciated her GZ after the Rebel.
Yes I have thanks for that advice the problem seems to have gone with the stand not turning bike off.I went for a little ride warmed up the bike and then turned the idle switch back to factory settings and al seems to be running better I thought it could be running lean az there was a longer rev after I stopped the revs but that's gone too more I learn the less worried id be thank you

01-16-2014, 03:48 AM
It start with the stand down with the transmission in neutro

Yep done it and it's sorted thank you