View Full Version : The one constant in life is change

12-24-2013, 12:04 AM
The older I get, and I am getting older, I realize more and more how much life changes. Rarely what you thought it would be, rarely what you expect, sometimes wonderful, sometimes horrible but always in flux.

I haven't posted in a while and mainly that's been because so much is changing in my life that I just didn't know what to put down in print. So, an update, if anyone is interested, over the last 18 months I've had, a very bad bike wreck, 3 months in a wheelchair, learned to walk again, thankful for that. I'll probably never run again, I'm okay with that. Full use of my arms, and my mind, very, very thankful for that. I graduated from college before I turned 50, one goal met, yeah. Searched for a better job with my new degree for almost a year, finally found it, very, very happy about that. Moving to a new city in the next few weeks, not sure exactly how I feel about that, but overall, exciting times for me. I love my new job and the company I am working for. Another new grandson since my wreck, good stuff, it doesn't get much better than grand kids and good family. Got back on a bike again after the wreck, very nice, I really love to ride, but new job, other financial obligations, had to sell the bike a few weeks ago, not a high point, but not the end of my riding either, just a necessity right now, I will ride again. My last child in college now, wow, my wife and I will be empty nester's soon, after almost 30 years of marriage, and we are really looking forward to that. Buying a new house in the country with some acreage and a 3 bay separate garage, very happy about that. Selling our current house where we raised our family and which has been owned by someone in my extended family since 1952, a little sad about that, but again, things change. The last Christmas we will celebrate in this house, well, that's just sad, but on the other hand, it will be special.

So, why do I write this? Well, probably because it is therapeutic for me, more than anything, to just put it down in print. Hopefully it may also mean something to someone else who is experiencing change in their life, either the good stuff, or maybe more importantly the tough stuff, that they should persevere, hang in there, don't give up when it gets tough. No, I don't know what you are going through and yes, it certainly can be a lot tougher than whatever I've gone through, but you can make it, you can get through this, whatever it is, and there will be something good on the other side of it if you just hang in there. The new year is coming soon, rejoice in the hope of the future, make the best of your current circumstances, try to keep an attitude that lets you move forward because sitting still or going back is not a good option for anyone. Find some new friends that support you and want good things for you and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. There will probably be setbacks along the way, don't despair, make a goal, make a plan to achieve it, implement that plan, when it doesn't go the way you thought, change the plan to make it work, just keep at it, don't quit, be determined, you can do it. While all that is going on, try to find something every day that you can be glad about no matter how small. Did you have a good meal, did you get a good nights sleep, enjoy something you did today, whatever you can find and focus on that, not on the things that didn't go well.
I hope you have a merry christmas, but I know this can be anything but a great time for many, don't let it beat you down, do one nice thing for someone else and find the joy in that even if everything else stinks. Find something good to end your year on and then start your year with new goals and a positive attitude, roll with the changes that come your way, because they will come.

I wish you all the best to finish this year and start another one.


Water Warrior 2
12-24-2013, 01:47 AM
WOW !!!! BB you are back. Sounds like you have met with a lot of challenges and survived against all odds. I have had some challenges in life but they don't compare to what you have gone through. I do thank you for the update and words of wisdom and experience. Some of our younger members still have a lifetime of challenges and trials. Your words will help them along their journey. Your words will also help old goats like me to not sweat the things that happen.

Don't be a stranger. Start dropping in more often and be a non riding member like I am. Like you I plan on riding again when the right bike comes along.

It is wonderful to hear from you again.

12-24-2013, 12:11 PM
Nice to hear from you.Merry Christmas & all the best in the New Year. :) ;)

12-24-2013, 09:07 PM
Good post bb.
Glad things are on a little straighter road for you.

Happy Holiday to you and yours.

12-25-2013, 12:06 AM
Thanks everyone, and Merry Christmas to all. :)

12-26-2013, 10:18 AM

Thank you for your message and I hope you had a Merry Christmas.

I'm one of those younger (kinda) guys you spoke of. At the moment I'm sick and tired of my job, you can find a posts on here somewhere that explains everything but the point is I'm done here. It doesn't help that my family is pretty unhappy where we are as well. We live in a small town and despite being here 7 years we still can count our friends on 1 hand with a couple fingers left. Its not a great situation but thats not why I'm posting.

I'm posting because there are some great changes on the horizon, but as seems all to common for me the options are varied and extremely different and I'm at a point where I have to make a decision.

Everything seems to be wrapped up in my job. I have interviews in several different areas, one near where I live, one a few hours away, one in Florida, and I'm also looking at a couple jobs in Central America. I'm adventurous at heart and would love to move out of country but I have a wife and kids to consider as well. In my range of potential jobs I have opportunities to move up, but have less family time, chances to make a lateral move but that would involve a cross country move, and a chances to move out of my industry entirely. So as seems all to familiar the choices are never simple.

I'm trying to stay positive as at this point, any move will be a good move and it's exciting to think of the different opportunities I will have, especially those that come with longer riding seasons and much shorter winters!

In closing I want to say thank you John for reminding me that things come and things go and that I shouldn't let anything get me down. I'll stay positive and upbeat and everything will be okay.

Happy New year to all of you out there.

12-26-2013, 10:03 PM
Thanks Goose,
I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time but I'm glad to hear you are hanging in there and staying positive. I wish you the best and I hope and believe that if you will keep putting one foot in front of the other you will eventually be able to look back on this period of your life and rejoice in how far you've come.

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a New Year.

12-27-2013, 08:26 AM
Thanks Burk. I got a bit of a shock yesterday. I found out that the more senior lead here will be leaving in February which will leave me in charge (if you don't count my clueless boss) This was a huge fear of mine because the last thing I want to do is take on the extra work load for the same pay that my coworker has. I'm staying positive though. I know that worst that will happen is I have a better bargaining chip both with my current employer and a better resume' bullet for future interviews.

Take care everyone

12-27-2013, 09:41 AM
I've never been part of a forum like this... You guys are the best.

Burkenstock, it's all slip on shoes, man. One of the awesome things about adversity and difficulty and suffering, if you will, is that you can look back on those parts of your life and you can take pride in saying "look what I have overcome". To go from being wheelchair bound to riding again, if only even briefly, is a pretty BFD (big f*%$!$ deal). It's like coming to the end of a long hike, where the tree line finally exposes some clear sky and you get to look down the mountain at the trail you just navigated and you can see the terrain and the creek crossings and the crags that you had to climb with some proper perspective. You did it. And while you aren't finished hiking, you can also see that, at least for a little while, what's on the path ahead of you is nothing compared to what you've already had to deal with.

And for the younger members of this club (cough* cough* since I'm so old and wise) let us not forget that sometimes all we have to do is hop off the trail for a second and rest our legs. Reach into the old rucksack, grab a granola bar...or snickers... and chill the f!#$ out because regardless of the current setting or situation we find ourselves, one of the great benefits of youth is that we have a whole lot of the constant of change that our sage Burk was talking about.

(Are you hungry Goose? You always act like a diva when you're hungry)

12-27-2013, 10:26 AM
I didn't think I was hungry but hell who knows. Do they make a snickers flavored coffee?

12-27-2013, 12:21 PM
I didn't think I was hungry but hell who knows. Do they make a snickers flavored coffee?


Also: Starbucks Secret Menu - "Snickers" (Java Chip Frappuccino, two pumps of toffee nut syrup & caramel drizzle on top)

12-27-2013, 12:35 PM
Sweet! Unfortunately I live in one of the few places on earth without a Starbucks

12-27-2013, 12:44 PM
Those places exist?

My mind is literally blown. I don't even know what to say.

12-27-2013, 01:24 PM
I did go to Houston a few months back and I saw the starbucks across the road from a starbucks...I also hear the rationale of such a place from the locals....the explanation was BS

12-27-2013, 03:18 PM
It's pretty disgusting, really. Ever been to New York City? They are right next door to each other. It's insane.

12-27-2013, 04:00 PM
I'll still choose a mom and pop of Starbucks anyday. Plus that way I'm not helping shove another million dollars in some POS CEOs pocket.