View Full Version : Where is everyone?
02-13-2008, 02:38 PM
I know it's cold out, but is there no one interested in the bike these days?
02-13-2008, 04:17 PM
Seems like only Bob is still able to ride. As for me the bike is in the shed which is now totaly inaccessable over 2 feet of snow on the ground another 1 foot last night.
question : you buddy sold his machine with such low miles it was not even broken in yet.
why ???
02-13-2008, 10:44 PM
He just never rides.
He got the bike around the same time that I bought mine. The difference is, he lives 3 blocks from his work and rarely even uses his car. So, his bike was just sitting in his driveway wasting away.
02-13-2008, 11:14 PM
I didnt get to ride for a while after I wrecked it, but after I healed up and did to mods I ride it all the time. Except at night, no more headlight.
02-14-2008, 08:23 AM
Isn't the no headlight thing illegal during the daytime too?
02-14-2008, 12:17 PM
I've been riding every chance I get. I think I've put about 500 miles on the bike since I got it in December. Rode yesterday in the morning and the temperature was fine, then a cold front blew through Atlanta and the temp dropped all afternoon with 20-25 mph winds. Man was it cold riding! I've got to find some better cold weather gloves. My finger tips were hurting when I got home. Any suggestions?
02-14-2008, 01:50 PM
Cops in my town are all pretty lenient, most of them actually like me, plus my bikes quiet so they dont really notice me next to all the Harley rodders here. I live in west Texas, a town with only less than 10,000 people, so it doesn't really snow a lot, and it doesn't really drop below 30. The only big weather issue is the wind, we tend to have pretty high winds, the norm being around at least 15-20 and highs being around 30 gusting 50, its pretty flat here, so wind just keeps on going.
02-14-2008, 03:59 PM
I double layer my gloves. I haven't purchased any leather gloves in a long time, but they work much better than synthetic in my experience, with a second, thinner, underlayer. What you need to look for are gloves that block wind. That's much more important that anything else for motorcycle gloves.
On my bicycle, my limit is around 35 degrees. I can't handle much less than 37-38 on the motorcycle, though, cause I'm not moving.
02-14-2008, 05:21 PM
I just go for some insulated leather work gloves from Walmart, they work fine if I actually wear them, and they're only about 8 dollars. After the accident i always wear them, i had forgotten them and the ground messed my palms and fingers up pretty good. I also wear a cheapo fake leather jacket from Bealls that I got for 30 bucks. I wear a full face helmet mainly because the wind really affects my eyes. Its a pain because I have to constantly take off and put on my glasses. Does anyone here where contacts, and whats you opinions. I'm thinking of getting contacts and a half helmet, and get a pair of those sunglasses with the foam pads that act like goggles and look good. A good pair of Ariat boots is a must for me, I cant stand tennis shoes, hard on the toes when you shift and they don't look very good with wranglers. About a month ago the temp here dropped to around 9 degrees from a sudden front. I had ridden by bike to a friends house and when I finally left at night the temp had plummeted. That was probably the coldest Ive been in my life. My hands and chest were fine, but I was only wearing jeans. When I got home I couldn't feel my legs and then they started to hurt real bad. I agree with the bicycle part. When on a motorcycle going around 30mph and its around 40 degrees outside, it feels like its around 30 because the wind chill factors.
02-14-2008, 10:19 PM
I haven't riden since thankgiving. Been too cold and wet. Not ready for that kind of riding just yet. This weekend is supposed to be dry and 50 so I am hoping to get one ride in.
02-20-2008, 11:39 AM
Down here I Texas I am too busy riding to be posting sorry. Here are some of my latest MC shots.
02-20-2008, 01:07 PM
i have problems with my hands getting cold when riding in winter, my husband bought me some handle bar mitts used for 4 wheelers during hunting season. they look funny,but they keep your hands amazingly warm and they attach and remove with velcro. easy on / easy off.they have plenty of room to use your clutch and brake.he bought a pair for his harley also,but they don;t fit as well as on my 250.
02-20-2008, 02:59 PM
Let's see. It has warmed up to 16F and the wind chill makes it 2F so I really haven't been thinking about riding for quite some time here in Illinois. Nice pictures
ChrisK! Like the armadillo. Saw a dead one along the road in Missouri a few years ago. Looks like you've had some flooding like we have!
02-20-2008, 02:59 PM
Where abouts in Texas, it looks like the north, but I could be wrong. Ever make it around to west Texas, Weather here is great and the roads are all flat and strait, so the Gz has no problems at all.
02-20-2008, 03:37 PM
This is a pretty good photo, ChrisK. (
Can you make it any bigger? I'd like to use it as a wallpaper.
02-20-2008, 09:24 PM
I am in College Station, but I am from Texarkana.
Shoot me a PM with your e-mail address and I will send you a full size JPEG.
Edited to add: Thanks for the complements on the photos.
I also wonder, where did everone go ? Its to cold, and to much snow to ride here, is everyone else out riding but me? It helps me to ride the computer during these bad days. Hope they go away soon. CMS :tdown:
02-22-2008, 01:10 PM
I'm in North Georgia and yeah, it's pretty chilly outside. However, I still ride at least once or twice per week. Yesterday it rained and it was near freezing.
Maybe the better question should be how many of us ride for "fun" and how many of us use our motorcycles are vehicles? I would assume that the people who use their bike as a vehicle ride more often and would be inclinced to ride more often in bad weather.
02-22-2008, 03:17 PM
I ride my bike to and from work EVERYDAY. I like to ride for fun on the weekends. When it is daylight out for a longer period after work I will ride more for fun then. I feel for all of you people that live in cold places.
02-23-2008, 09:19 AM
Regarding the question about glasses versus contacts...I had been wearing glasses with a full face helmet, but was having a lot of trouble keeping the glasses from fogging when it was cold (30's). Everytime I would have to stop at a light, my breath was fogging the glasses, so I would be constantly raising and lowering the visor. So...this past week, I switched to contacts and what a BIG improvement. I can keep the visor down now all the more cold wind in the face. If you can wear contacts, I would highly recommend's one less agravation.
02-24-2008, 09:23 PM
Oh I've been on it at least once per two weeks, but haven't taken it to work since early December because of the cold, wet roads, and the short daylight. The two days with nice weather about three weeks ago, I had to carry some materials around so I had to use the car to work :sad:
Ah well more than 800 miles since October, that's not too bad.
02-25-2008, 01:58 AM
I live in West Texas in a town called Fort Stockton. All the roads here are long and flat, so the gz does really well here. I used to live in Kerville, and i would think the gz would have major trouble there in the hills. Its actually been really hot here the last few days, around 80 id say. Normally I have to wear a helmet because the cold wind, but today I rode without anything on my head, it was great.
02-25-2008, 08:28 AM
I'm part of the full-face helmet all the time crowd. So, needless to say, that sounds a little silly to me.
I just open the facemask and enjoy the breeze.
02-25-2008, 07:04 PM
"I'm part of the full-face helmet all the time crowd. So, needless to say, that sounds a little silly to me.
I just open the facemask and enjoy the breeze."
Me too. I see college kids on crotch rockets in tee shirts, shorts, and flip flops with no helmet. That just seems like a Darwin award waiting to happen.
02-26-2008, 08:22 AM
No joke.
I've heard two arguments over helmets. One of them says that no one has the right to tell people to wear a helmet and the other is that skull-cap helmets or no helmets allow the rider to feel free.
I don't agree with either of those statements.
Maybe no one has the right to tell me to wear a helmet. But that doesn't matter because I think any self-preserving individual would have enough sense to put one on. Have you guys not seen pictures of people who crash without a full helmet on? That's enough to scare any man straight.
As far as feeling more free or more in contact with nature, all I can say is "ehh".
I'm all for the experience of riding, but if the worse case scenario happens, I don't want to trust my face and my life to a stoke of luck that I don't hit the ground with my head.
I feel the same way about the guys that ride bicycles with no shirt on while smoking and talking on their cell phone.
You don't have to cover yourself from head to toe with styrofoam, but a little sense goes a long way in the event of an accident.
02-27-2008, 04:24 PM
I wont argue, full face helmets are great, but if you have to wear prescription glasses, they do get a little annoying. I have to constantly put on and take off my glasses whenever I put my helmet on or take it off, which I do very often. I think I might try contacts with the sunglasses with the foam padding around the lenses with a half helmet. It may be safer in a big town to wear full face, but in this small town theres no real need to drive too fast, only takes like 5 mins to go all the way across town. I rarely go above 30 mph, and if I go out of town i wear the full face with my gloves and jacket. On another point, the other day it was so nice here there were motorcycles everywhere. I think i would consider myself a real rider because I ride in almost any condition every day. These other riders only wait for it to be perfect to ride. Whats the use in owning a nice bike if you don't ride it but once a month.
I wear, full face/riding coat/pants /gloves/boots all the time. My only accident took most of a year for recovery. [growing back a whole lot of skin, and on crutches, all at the same time] Back then ,sun glasses were the only safety eqt that any self respecting cool rider would wear. Thats why I wear ATGATT. I was fifteen years old ,much younger than now, and it still took a lot of healing time. Note to self ,avoid hitting cars, it hurts and leaves a mark, even at slow speeds. [ riding a 100 cc bike at 35mph] I love riding and I want to enjoy it for a long time. :tup: :tup: CMS
02-28-2008, 07:44 PM
Re: mcintyre_aerospace I also have prescription glasses, so I got a flip-up full face helmet and I get the helmet on with the front part flipped up, and once the main part is in place, flip it down, without having to take my glasses off. It is DOT approved, I don't care for the other (snell) approval, there was an interesting story about that last year, it boiled down to that DOT is good enough.
02-29-2008, 12:17 PM
They're also very affordable on Ebay. You don't have to get name brand stuff, as long as it passed spec.
02-29-2008, 04:03 PM
I got my HJC C-15 for 70 bucks shipped off ebay. Dot and Snell! I got it in white because I figure it will stay cooler during the summer and more visible at night. I don't even care that I look like a large ping pong ball.
03-08-2008, 06:42 PM
I got my HJC C-15 for 70 bucks shipped off ebay. Dot and Snell! I got it in white because I figure it will stay cooler during the summer and more visible at night. I don't even care that I look like a large ping pong ball.
The stuff that protects you head in the helmet is pretty much the same thing as a Styrofoam cooler is made out of. A higher grade I would imagine. There isn't much heat going to get through that. That's why we have helmets with all sorts of elaborate venting systems. White should be cooler on the out side though.
What I want is a solar powered exhaust fan that will pull air through my helmet when its 100 degrees and I'sitting still in traffic.
03-10-2008, 12:52 PM
We are buried in TORONTO (
03-10-2008, 04:06 PM
HAHAHAHA. Ah, come on. You mean to tell me you can't ride in that?
And you call yourself a biker....
03-10-2008, 10:13 PM
Ive tried to ride in snow, its a little entertaining trying to leave the driveway, but I wont recommend it
04-01-2008, 12:08 AM
I rode through last winter with a half helmet and cheap cothing... I'm glad I took your guys' advice and didn't try it again this year up in Albany. My bike's on a charger in my parents basement untill I finish this semester, I got a nice long ride penciled in for April 28.
I got my bike 2 or 3 weeks ago and the weather here in western Montana has just been off and on since. Even the day I bought it it was nice when I left the house but I was riding it home in snow flurries :tdown: I've put about 100 miles on her so far just to the grocery store on nice days and cruising back roads. I think we are almost there though. It's been in the high sixties the last couple of days. I am sooooo ready to be riding daily!! I still need a helmet for Hwy riding and that pesky motorcycle endorsement might be a good idea too :blush:
Easy Rider
04-28-2008, 04:05 PM
I still need a helmet for Hwy riding and that pesky motorcycle endorsement might be a good idea too :blush:
You NEED a helmet for all riding. Never know when a sheep will run out in the road!! :roll: :)
I'm in Montana. The sheep are VERY well protected!! :lol:
05-30-2008, 08:36 AM
Down here I Texas I am too busy riding to be posting sorry. Here are some of my latest MC shots.
Wow, i love all the views and some animals pictures, they are so clear and sharp! Specially the black & white ones...
Are you using those canon rebel or somethin'? I like the shot of those donut clouds,pretty cool! :tup:
Drive safe...
Hey everybody. I have been riding a lot lately too. I got my endorsement and have put on about 500 miles in the last month. It's been of and on with the weather here but I'm getting lots of riding time in. :tup:
06-02-2008, 06:56 PM
Since I live just north of Tampa Bay, I ride all year long. The worst it gets is 45 degrees or so, not much lower. In the "winter", I just wear a heavy leather jacket, gloves, & a 3/4 helmet when it gets "cold". Most times its a half police style helmet, t-shirt, jeans, & boots. I know y'all are going to beat me up for not wearing a ballistic jacket and full face helmet, but most times, but it's just too damn hot. I'll take my chances without the jacket rather than have a heat stroke while riding.
We do have a rainy season. My philosphy is don't leave in the rain, but I don't stop if it rains while I'm riding. Of course unless you can't see, or its blowing sideways or a hurricane. The all year riding is why I live here. I have put 28,000 miles on my 2006 Harley Street Glide, 12,000 miles on my 2006 Harley Sportster 1200 (both about 22 months old) and 12,000 miles on my 2005 GZ (just about 30 months old). I also have a car that rarely sees use, as my GZ is my errand/ short commute bike. It's at least as much fun or more than the Harleys. Ask Badbob, he lives in north Florida, he probably rides most days as well. If you want to ride all year round, get the hell out of the great white north!!
Yeah I hear ya! Unfortunately there are a lot of other reasons to NOT live on the East Coast for me. In fact I lived in Alaska for twelve years before I moved down here so I am getting more riding time than I would up there. We have Snowmachines for the rest of the year, which are a total hoot.
Hey, don't let anybody tell you how you have to dress when you ride. It's all about personal freedom. I am fortunate enough to live in a state with no helmet laws and I take advantage of that from time to time too. I don't really care what anyone else's opinion is about that, It MY head. That's the great thing about being an adult and making decisions for ourselves, and these decisions don't affect ANYONE else. I don't need anyone telling me that I HAVE to wear a seatbelt or a helmet. I don't need laws to protect me from myself. That's my $.02 anyway.
Peace Y'all and happy riding!! :chop: :chop:
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