View Full Version : Cable Luber

09-23-2006, 10:10 AM
I bought one of these:

http://upload4.postimage.org/1218187/Motion_Pro_Cable_Luber.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1218187/photo_hosting.html)

Don't waste your money on these things. They make a mess, waste oil and in my opinion they don't do as good a job as just dripping oil into the cable until it runs out the other end. If you have been lubing you cables it only takes a few drops of oil.

01-17-2007, 09:44 PM
How can you lube your cabels without taking them all apart? Specifically the Coke, and Throttle

01-18-2007, 05:43 AM
I don't know any easy way to do this. There is no easy access to the end of the cable. I wish there were.