View Full Version : Heated clothing

Water Warrior 2
01-31-2008, 09:58 PM
Happy Hobo (Lynda) recently got a battery powered vest from WarmGear that really seems to be the answer for heat on a bike with little reserve power. Seems to be a quality product made for a variety of situations where you want to be warm without a lot of bulky clothing. Lynda has worn it to work so she can go out for a smoke and not get cold.
Couple days ago the UPS finally brought a back ordered Xmas Gift. Thank you Lynda. Now the happy owner of a Tourmaster Synergy jacket liner. Now my arms will not be subjected to cold when riding. That is the only real thing that gets to me in the cold when on the Vstrom. The entire liner is heated, sleeves and the very comfy collar. As yet untested on the road as the wiring to the bike won't happen till the weather warms a bit. Should be just the ticket for riding through the mountains here when temps drop and rise at a moment's notice. Hoping for a ride report in the future.

02-02-2008, 11:15 AM
I real interested in hearing how this works for you.

Water Warrior 2
02-02-2008, 12:59 PM
I real interested in hearing how this works for you.

Which one ?? Lynda's battery powered vest or the bike powered liner for the Vstrom. Or both ?? Still winter here so no riding for a while, can't even tinker with the bikes. Need to win a lottery and have a small house and a very large heated garage. That is the only real down side to apartment dwelling.