View Full Version : Rectifier, anyone used the ESR142 Electrosport?

11-01-2013, 12:34 PM
My GZ250 is not charging the battery. The voltage across the battery is about 12.8 with the bike off, and drops down when it's running. As the RPMs go up, the voltage seems to drop a bit, but is not always the same. The bike runs great when I charge the battery at 2 amps, but starts to buck and die after 30 minutes to an hour of riding and the battery has low voltage. The battery still has 12.8 volts after sitting for a week after charging. The battery connections and grounds have been cleaned and seem fine. Everything I have looked at points to a bad charging system, the rectifier/regulator being the weakest link.

My question is, has anyone used the aftermarket ESR142 rectifier?

There is one on eBay from ElectroSport for $69 with free shipping, and cycleplicity has a Procom one for $46.38 plus whatever the shipping is. There are also used stock ones on eBay ranging from $15 to $80. I would rather have a new one than a used one, and the aftermarket ones claim to have a better design, however, I know claims aren't always true.

Anyone here have any experience with the ESR142?

Thanks for any help,


11-01-2013, 11:26 PM
My GZ250 is not charging the battery. The voltage across the battery is about 12.8 with the bike off, and drops down when it's running. As the RPMs go up, the voltage seems to drop a bit, but is not always the same. The bike runs great when I charge the battery at 2 amps, but starts to buck and die after 30 minutes to an hour of riding and the battery has low voltage. The battery still has 12.8 volts after sitting for a week after charging. The battery connections and grounds have been cleaned and seem fine. Everything I have looked at points to a bad charging system, the rectifier/regulator being the weakest link.

Yep, sure sounds like you found the problem.
I have no experience/knowledge of that one you mention.
Mine went bad 2 or 3 years ago, and I replaced it with a used one.
I figured that even if it only worked one year it was a deal.
Still using it.
For $10, including shipping, it's been a great deal! :)

For $10, how can you lose?

11-02-2013, 12:33 AM
I did a search and your thread of your problem was one of the most helpful ones in identifying my problem. Thanks! :)

$10 is pretty good. there was one on eBay for $15 something, but the add didn't specifically say that it works. I also want one that looks nice, not all corroded on the heat sink.

I may just buy a used one, but I would prefer a new one if they are really better.

11-02-2013, 11:23 PM
I did a search and your thread of your problem was one of the most helpful ones in identifying my problem. Thanks! :)

$10 is pretty good. there was one on eBay for $15 something, but the add didn't specifically say that it works. I also want one that looks nice, not all corroded on the heat sink.

I may just buy a used one, but I would prefer a new one if they are really better.

It should tell you in the ad what condition the part is in.
If not, ask them.
The one I got looked as good as new, much better than the one I removed.
And although I am glad to hear that my tread helped so much,
but it had the ideas of a lot of folks.
Good luck with whichever part you choose.
I guess you know that it only takes a few minutes to replace.

11-06-2013, 08:16 PM
Well, I guess I will just buy a used one. I noticed that one of the connectors on the aftermarket one is slightly different, and without an endorsment of how well they work, I'll just stick with stock.

11-06-2013, 11:26 PM
Well, I guess I will just buy a used one. I noticed that one of the connectors on the aftermarket one is slightly different, and without an endorsment of how well they work, I'll just stick with stock.

Good thinking, IMO.
And these days, who doesn't want to save a dollar if possible.
And, if it doesn't work, return it.
It is guaranteed, right?