View Full Version : Suuki GW250

Water Warrior 2
10-03-2013, 07:11 AM
Spent an hour or more just cruising the Web for the GW250. Quite an interesting bike for a 250. Cheaper than a new GZ or TU and it's country of origin is the reason. A Chinese made Suzuki is what it is.
Starting with a FI water cooled verticle twin gets my attention and the 26 HP sounds like a blast. Disc brakes on both ends too.
Very popular in China and Japan with the Chinese models having a standard center stand. Also available in Canada, U.S., Australia and the U.K. Probably many more countries too.
Oh yeah, a counter blanced engine with 6 gears in the tranny. Might be a good upgrade when a few hit the used market after newer riders move up to a bigger bike.
My only concern would be the insurance. It is still a 250(248 cc actually) but some ins. companies might want to call it a sport bike due to it's appearance. If displacement is the only criteria then it will be cheap to own. Engine size would be great here as the displacement is the only factor.
After reading a few articles and reviews I would surely put the GW on the short list of smaller more moderm bikes to look at when the time comes.
Google is my friend and entertainment.

10-03-2013, 09:00 AM
Spent an hour or more just cruising the Web for the GW250. Quite an interesting bike for a 250. Cheaper than a new GZ or TU and it's country of origin is the reason. A Chinese made Suzuki is what it is.
Starting with a FI water cooled verticle twin gets my attention and the 26 HP sounds like a blast. Disc brakes on both ends too.
Very popular in China and Japan with the Chinese models having a standard center stand. Also available in Canada, U.S., Australia and the U.K. Probably many more countries too.
Oh yeah, a counter blanced engine with 6 gears in the tranny. Might be a good upgrade when a few hit the used market after newer riders move up to a bigger bike.
My only concern would be the insurance. It is still a 250(248 cc actually) but some ins. companies might want to call it a sport bike due to it's appearance. If displacement is the only criteria then it will be cheap to own. Engine size would be great here as the displacement is the only factor.
After reading a few articles and reviews I would surely put the GW on the short list of smaller more moderm bikes to look at when the time comes.
Google is my friend and entertainment.

Is this the Suzuki it is based on WW?

http://www.topspeed.com/motorcycles/mot ... 56377.html (http://www.topspeed.com/motorcycles/motorcycle-reviews/suzuki/2013-suzuki-inazuma-250-ar156377.html)

Water Warrior 2
10-03-2013, 06:10 PM
Yes Fawlty, that is the one. The specs and rider reviews mention the overall weigh as approx 400 lbs but it would still not be too intimidating while providing a better ride and planted feeling.

10-03-2013, 07:27 PM
That's a really nice looking bike. I wish the GZ had at least a better lit up speedometer and be a 6 speed.

If it was the same style as the GZ I would seriously try to get one. Though 85mpg is hard to beat even on a 150cc or 125cc.

Water Warrior 2
10-03-2013, 11:51 PM
I doubt the GZ could make enough power to use a 6 speed. The GW has more ponies to play with.

10-04-2013, 08:38 AM
I don't think power is necessarily the issue; it's the gear ratios.

One of the things that I never really understood was why there would be such a large jump on the GZ 5th gear ratio - There is plenty of oomph when you hit 60mph in 4th for example, but the drop off to 5th makes it essentially as far as you can go in that bike. With some varying gear ramps and different cog heights I think a 6 would work just fine in the GZ even at the limited stock power, though it would take some serious R&R to get it right, which would make the whole bike cost more, which doesnt make sense when it's priced to a certain market. In order to be worth more, it would have to produce more....power....

WW is right.


09-21-2014, 09:51 PM
Spent an hour or more just cruising the Web for the GW250. Quite an interesting bike for a 250. Cheaper than a new GZ or TU and it's country of origin is the reason. A Chinese made Suzuki is what it is.
Starting with a FI water cooled verticle twin gets my attention and the 26 HP sounds like a blast. Disc brakes on both ends too.
Very popular in China and Japan with the Chinese models having a standard center stand. Also available in Canada, U.S., Australia and the U.K. Probably many more countries too.
Oh yeah, a counter blanced engine with 6 gears in the tranny. Might be a good upgrade when a few hit the used market after newer riders move up to a bigger bike.
My only concern would be the insurance. It is still a 250(248 cc actually) but some ins. companies might want to call it a sport bike due to it's appearance. If displacement is the only criteria then it will be cheap to own. Engine size would be great here as the displacement is the only factor.
After reading a few articles and reviews I would surely put the GW on the short list of smaller more moderm bikes to look at when the time comes.
Google is my friend and entertainment.
WW, is this the first Chinese made Suzuki ? sometimes the smaller bikes are wicked fun and the price maybe the bottom line.

Water Warrior 2
09-22-2014, 04:56 AM
Not likely the first Chinese made Suzuki and surely not the last. China does make a lot of Japanese knock offs under license for the home market. Honda is one of them.

09-29-2014, 09:20 AM
Got one, excellent bike for a 250. The weight everyone seems to bring up is not even a factor IMHO. Very smooth and comfortable. Disk brakes all around ,6 speed ,water cooled, FI, desent seat, 3 .4 gal tank, 17 in. tires and mag style wheels, really like this bike,quality is great. I feel it's a great bargin for the price. loved my GZ, but this bike has everything the GZ needed. Added a rear rack and Givi top case [30L] plus center stand [that should be standard eqt. ] and added red rim tape to break up all the black. Black is the only color for the US. All bikes in US are 2013's no 14's were expored here. I really wish Suzuki would change that, they are also avalibale in white, red, and blue in other countries. The US has the naked model but China has an S model with a half fairing and full windshield [2014 model] and I'v seen pictures of a 2015 model with full lower fairings ,looks pretty good [baby GXR]. Not a race bike but still has enough power for me , it is still a 250. MPG so far is in the mid /high 60s and I'v only have 900 miles on it. I have other bikes [VStrom 650 and a TU250X] but the GW get ridden the most. For those who enjoy smaller bikes I feel this is a great choice [price /quality/performance] at least for me. Also does have after market avaliable accessories. CMS

Water Warrior 2
09-29-2014, 06:51 PM
:clap::clap: Right on. How about a comparison to the TU 250?

09-29-2014, 11:14 PM
The TU is a great bike, lighter and handles well for a 250 single. It's peppy and IMHO it felt a little quicker than my GZ. If I remember correctly the TU weighed more than the GZ [4 or 5 pounds]. It's a comfortable ride and has a decent seat for a stock seat. The GW and the TU both are the first factory seats that were worth a darn on any bike I'v owned. Mine is stock and I run 55/65 most of the time. If I would change anything I might consider a 16 tooth front gear and maybe a little larger tire [wider] than stock, but for now I'm enjoying the ride. I get a lot of complements on the bike [09 red]. I prefer the longer rides/ and short trips over night. Suzuki dropped the ball on the TU accessory line, there' s not much at all ava through them. I bought a rear rack form Japan so I could use my Givi Top case [30 L]. I run Tourmaster soft sidebags if needed. I'v followed a story on a couple from Canada who toured two up and had a lot of positive comments on the trip. Would like to try that. For me I would rate the bikes, GW first TU next and GZ third , all good bikes in their own way. I'v rode/used them in the same manner and really have enjoyed them all, keeping in mind they are 250's, if you want or need more you need another bike. My rides have all ended wih a big smile on my face, they are just plain fun for me. When I ride to work it takes 45 mins, coming home It may take 1.5 Hrs or more. Not a tech writer as you can see, I started on small bikes and I still enjoy them. CMS

Water Warrior 2
09-30-2014, 06:26 AM
Thank you for your comments. It is nice to hear from some one who has all 3 of the bikes with real hands on experience. :tup:

10-07-2014, 11:08 PM
Cool bike. Thanks for posting WW.

Water Warrior 2
10-08-2014, 12:28 AM
Hey there BB. Long time no see. How are you and are you still on your cruiser?

10-14-2014, 11:50 PM
Hey WW, I'm fine but I had to sell the bike about 10 months ago to help come up with a downpayment on a house. I'm searching the adds now looking for another Vulcan 500. I've still got all my custom stuff for the one I wrecked in 2012. I guess sometimes we all just find a bike that "fits" us and so far the 500 has been the right fit for me so I think I'll go back to it. Since returning to riding I've had the GZ250, Vulcan 500, 750, and 900. I made the 900 into a trike and then put it back on two wheels after riding a bit on three. Of those bikes the 500 had the most get up and go, top speed, handled well and with my custom seat was the most comfortable for me. There were things I'd love to see different with that bike like Fuel injection and maybe a belt drive for less routine maintenance and I'd like to have air adjustable shocks on it. However, no bike is perfect and those things didn't break the bank with me. The 900 was nice around town but it just didn't have good highway speed and the fuel mileage was in the mid 40's. The 750 was a great bike but just not comfortable and I could not figure out how to customize that seat the way I wanted plus it didn't lend itself to a trunk which I find to be really necessary if you do any grocery shopping, which I did on my 500. I think I can get back on a 500 for under 3 grand with miles between 5K and 10K but it may be spring before I actually make the move.

Water Warrior 2
10-15-2014, 05:22 PM
Good luck in your hunt for another 500. There should be a few good ones out there that are being sold off to get a bigger bike. I see quite a few of the 500 models on CL with not many miles/kms on them.
Just for general interest..........I picked up a 1983 Honda GL650 Interstate last February and haven't ridden it yet. Just can't seem to get up the ambition for some TLC and minor cosmetic work. My ambition was shot all to heck with some serious health issues that Lynda developed and everything else was pretty much put on hold. Not really missing riding but it is a shame having a rideable old bike sitting gathering dust and cobwebs.

10-17-2014, 02:20 AM
WW, sorry to hear that Lynda has had health issues. I hope she fully recovers really soon. You will both be in my thoughts.

Water Warrior 2
10-17-2014, 08:27 AM
WW, sorry to hear that Lynda has had health issues. I hope she fully recovers really soon. You will both be in my thoughts.
Thank you BB. Lynda is in remission from the big "C" at this time. It has been a pretty tense time since last February but the future looks good. Two sessions of Chemo had wonderful results and her latest follow up was very encouraging for both of us. The actual recovery from the Chemo itself is a long one but the alternative is far worse. I do have to thank the medical folks who treated her with compassion and understanding. We could see in their faces that they were very happy with successful treatment and not a long dragged out life ending situation.
The Oncologist said Cancer will return someday but that is the future and we will tackle it when the time arrives. Until then life is good and getting better.

10-17-2014, 08:50 AM
Lynda is in remission from the big "C" at this time.

Absolutely awesome!

10-17-2014, 11:42 AM
Very pleased that the news is good. I know you will both keep a positive attitude, it makes the world of a difference.

Water Warrior 2
10-18-2014, 10:34 AM
Thanks guys. This Cancer episode was a 1st for both of us and quite an eye opener. I honestly thought I had a fair understanding of what others have been through but I was really really wrong.

10-18-2014, 11:16 AM
Glad that the light at the end of the tunnel was sunshine and not a train.


10-19-2014, 05:03 PM
WW attitude is what it's all about. My father came down with cancer and lived another 20 years. I attribute it to his attitude. Lynda is in my prayers.


10-19-2014, 10:21 PM
Glad to here Lynda is in remission.I had a episode with Cancer in 07.It claimed my voice box & nothing more. I have been cancer free ever since & look at life in a whole different way.Here's to many years together to you both. ;) :)

Water Warrior 2
10-20-2014, 08:41 AM
Thanks again for your kind thoughts, prayers and comments. The next few months will determine so much for both of us. If Lynda stays in remission and gains back her strength and stamina we will trully have a reason to be thankful.
If that does occur I will likely put the old 650 Interstate Honda on the road. It was purchased just days before Lynda's diagnosis in February and I opted to not ride and be there if/when she needed me. If I had been riding and had an oops that sidelined me for any time...............well use your imagination. We don't need complications at this time.

10-20-2014, 09:54 PM
I totally understand and you did the right thing to help insure you would be there for her, well done. Hopefully she will stay in remission a long, long time and if this ever returns the treatments will be even better and not as hard on her.
Now, carpe diem my friend. :)

Water Warrior 2
10-21-2014, 12:31 AM

07-14-2015, 12:33 AM
I had some experience ride with GW250 aka inazuma250...its my friend bike and i was try it couple times

Pros :
Generally Good built
Great engine (much more torque dan power thats make me do big smile when wot)
- quieter/smoother engine sound than gz
- good ergonomic and very comfortable even in long haul
- swift , easy to manuver , tight steering radius
- much higher torque and top speed than stock gz

Cons :
- i think its too heavy for 250cc class
- quite expensive (for me)
- bad quality of rims

Sorry but I'll prefer to get yamaha mt25 than gw250 this time...even i was huge fans of suzy

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Water Warrior 2
07-14-2015, 10:00 PM
Oh my, that little Yamaha looks like a pretty serious sport bike. Google is my friend.