View Full Version : Savage 650

Water Warrior 2
09-23-2013, 10:01 PM
Found a Big Brother to the GZ. Might have to go see it up close and personal. Not enough kms on it to be considered broke in after 9 years. The price is less than a used GZ. :2tup:

09-24-2013, 02:05 AM
I love these bikes and was looking for one when I got my Vulcan 500. They are not common in Spain. Having said that, I am really pleased with the Vulcan. I have a feeling that you may be tempted back on the road WW!

09-24-2013, 09:20 AM
Gonna be back in the saddle WW? Great! Fingers crossed for a good deal and bike!

Water Warrior 2
09-24-2013, 05:00 PM
The bike is apparently next to new with 2500 kms on the clock. All it would need is new tires, tubes, brake fluid and likely a drive belt due to it's age. I would just have a project for a while to keep me amused. Might even ride it if I get a new helmet.
Waiting for a reply from the seller to see if it is still available. Pretty hard to fault a GZ on steroids with a belt drive. If I get it I will then mention the price as it is pretty darn good.

09-24-2013, 08:56 PM
Be good for your soul to get back in the saddle!! ;) :)

Water Warrior 2
09-24-2013, 09:28 PM
Be good for your soul to get back in the saddle!! ;) :)
That is possible. I got bored and lost interest with the Vstrom and eventually sold it. Maybe a new project will will flush away the boredom. Another bike to tinker with and add farkles might be the ticket. Hmm, spend $ and do some bad language while tinkering sounds kinda fun. Still waiting to hear from the seller. Gotta a feeling I will loose this one though.