View Full Version : How to replace bar end

09-07-2013, 04:46 PM
From when I got my bike the right bar end spun loosely; I couldn't tighten it up, and I wasn't sure how to extract it to take a look at it.

Finally the other day I guess it dropped off while I was riding. Not sure how I missed it, but I'm left with this:

I bought a replacement bar end, so I have this:

The question is, of course, how do I get the old one out? Presumably, because I couldn't tighten up the old one, the nut must have come off the end of the bolt, so I can't screw in the new bolt and go that way. Should I cut the rubber out? Or stick in a hanger and try to yank it out?

09-07-2013, 05:02 PM
Get something like a wire coat hanger, make a hook on the end, and pull out the old rubber. Then get the washer and bolt out by tipping the bike, and letting them fall out. Although you may be able to hook these out too. Once you get the old bits out, the new one should be an easy fit. :2tup:

Water Warrior 2
09-07-2013, 10:33 PM
Just a tip. When you insert the new bar end and tighten it, it might bind the throttle. Loosen it a bit and pull it out a little and retighten. This is a trial by error install and you never want to get it wrong. A binding throttle can hurt you big time.
This can even happen if you install the bar end on a cold day and the next really hot day causes the parts to expand and bind the throttle. Heated grips will also cause this, I almost found out the hard way when entering a sharp curve with the grips heaters on and a locked throttle. Had an "Oh Sh*t" moment.

09-08-2013, 03:21 PM
thanks for the advice and tips. was able to extract most of the pieces with the hanger, and gave up on the nut; probably would have had to turn the bike upside down to shake it out.

The last bit of the rubber thingy that goes in is pretty wide and to get it in I ended up putting a little dish soap on it to get it slippery. Seems fine, and I'll watch for any binding on the throttle.