View Full Version : Funny "Blond" moment!!!

09-03-2013, 11:40 AM
So exciting, first long trip planned(150mi)with a friend. We get geared up, and gassed up, and hit the road. When we finally get up to speed, (about 55), I hear this horribly loud bap, bap, bap, bap! and am like WTF!!! I decelerate and it stops, accelerate and it starts in again. So I get my friend to pull over, and ask him if he heard the noise, and he said no, but he's willing to take my bike for a spin to see if he could hear it. So he comes back in a minute and says he didn't hear anything, and that we're good to go. I hop back on, get her up to speed again, and bap, bap, bap! starts making the sound again!!!! I realized it was the chin strap on my helmet, flapping against it!!!! Boy we had a good laugh about that!!! Had a great trip!!! I was amazed at how much I learned going with an experienced rider! (one I will add, that was content to ride WITH me, at my speed, and make suggestions to me as we went!)

09-03-2013, 11:50 AM
Many helmets have a snap on the end of the strap that will fasten it to itself so it doesn't flap around like that - look for one on yours.
Glad you found that and didn't start ripping into your bike to look for a problem that didn't exist.

09-03-2013, 02:50 PM
I would love to say I've never done anything like that but I can't, and I'm guessing there are many guys and gals on here who couldn't either.

Water Warrior 2
09-03-2013, 06:10 PM
Been there done that. What really got my attention was the strap was flapping because I'd forgot to do it up at all. Kinda made my blood run cold as I had just pulled out into rush hour traffic and couldn't safely pull over for a couple blocks.