View Full Version : New 2014 Indian

08-09-2013, 11:45 AM
Looks nice! :) ....but I'm not sure why I'd pay 20 grand when i can buy a used Kawasaki Drifter 1500 (or even the 800 which is plenty of power) for anywhere between 1/4 (maybe even less) to 1/2 that cost.

I've always liked the look of the Drifter though I admittedly haven't read reviews of it.

I like the look of the new Indian and can't help but root for locally owned Polaris (also makers of the Vicotry motorcycle brand) and hope it is a success for them. :2tup:

Of course, if it were me, I'd be looking for a used Drifter to get that look. :blush:

08-15-2013, 01:12 PM
I don't know, it's very obvious to me I've been bitten by the bike bug so I've been looking into new bikes in case I want to move up but I don't like any new bikes, there is just to much junk. Its all chrome and bells and whistles. I only need an engine, gearbox and a couple wheels...maybe one bell but thats it. Looking at Harleys victories, and now this Indian, nothing looks right to me. I do like the stance of the indian but past that I'm not seeing what I want.

08-15-2013, 10:59 PM
If I could afford it, I'd get me this one:




08-16-2013, 07:36 AM
I was actually looking at those bikes not long ago. They are one of the few that I do actually like the way they look. I think they have a blacked out version don't they?

08-16-2013, 09:18 AM
I love the classic standards... Never understood why the Kawasaki W650 never hung around:


08-16-2013, 12:10 PM
Is that was the bike is a W650?

I might have to look for one. Couple things I would change but it's exactly what I'm looking for.

08-16-2013, 01:27 PM
The w650 was only around for maybe a year or two... But they were the bomb. Just not the right time for the market for it.

Water Warrior 2
08-16-2013, 07:05 PM
I would likely take the W650 over a Guzzi if only to get away from the expensive parts and maintenance.

08-19-2013, 09:24 PM
I was actually looking at those bikes not long ago. They are one of the few that I do actually like the way they look. I think they have a blacked out version don't they?
Yes they have a black version of the V7 Special, but the top half of the tank is yellow.
And they have a more or less all black V7, with cast wheels, the Stone (also in white).

I would likely take the W650 over a Guzzi if only to get away from the expensive parts and maintenance.

Please share your experiences.

Water Warrior 2
08-19-2013, 11:48 PM
Never owned either bike but it is safe to say a European bike will cost bags of money in the GWN. An old Jap bike is easier to find parts for and if parts are not available anymore it is less costly to just toss it.

08-20-2013, 02:26 AM
There is one available in Spain guys!

http://motos.coches.net/ocasion/kawasak ... 394725.htm (http://motos.coches.net/ocasion/kawasaki/w/650-2007-en-madrid-5394725.htm)

08-21-2013, 10:21 PM
It's "Vendido" (I assume that means "sold") - wonder if Water Warrior got it -

Water Warrior 2
08-22-2013, 12:00 AM
It's "Vendido" (I assume that means "sold") - wonder if Water Warrior got it -
No way!!! I'm sure I could find one closer to home if I was in the market.