07-11-2013, 02:52 AM
Hi fellas. I haven't been around here since I got that Kawasaki Vulcan 750 back in October. I was happy with that one until I started getting engine trouble. I took it to the dealer 3 times before it finally started behaving, but I decided to get a newer.more dependable bike. This is my new baby..... 2006 Honda Shadow Aero 750. Got it on monday and it only had 1903 miles. Its so quiet , it purrs. And its as low as the old GZ. Maybe lower. Not a single scratch on it. Got a pair of free saddlebags too.
Oh, I am still here is Raleigh, doing good at that job, still living in a little furnished room, healthy and staying out of trouble. I want to shout a hello to Jonathan, WW , Rookie Rider, Mole2, Burkbuilds, Blaine , and one or 2 more (I forgot your names, sorry). I bumped into Dupo at a honda shadow forum I joined.
Oh, I am still here is Raleigh, doing good at that job, still living in a little furnished room, healthy and staying out of trouble. I want to shout a hello to Jonathan, WW , Rookie Rider, Mole2, Burkbuilds, Blaine , and one or 2 more (I forgot your names, sorry). I bumped into Dupo at a honda shadow forum I joined.