View Full Version : Rain...oops

06-28-2013, 05:45 PM
So today I rode in the rain for the first time. It was... OK.

Is there anything special I should do to my gear (leather jacket and gloves) or helmet (full face, the inside lining got a bit went since it was on the bikes helmet lock while it started raining).

Does the bike need anything special?

I toweled off my gear and bike... they are made to be outdoors, right? So I figure that should be fine.

Thanks in advance.

06-28-2013, 09:25 PM
Rain gear.

Leather will get heavy in rain.

Not much with the face shield except wipe it when the rain gets too bad.

I use Sno-seal on my boots and gloves.

06-29-2013, 04:28 AM
I've got a product that I clean my face shield with, that turns the rain into droplets, so it's easier to see through the plastic. No use giving you the name, as it'll be different in America, but you should be able to pick some up at one of your cheap stores.

My boots are IMPRAPERM - totally waterproof - but my leather jacket isn't waterproof. Last heavy downpour (read tropical storm) I rode through, took three days for my jacket to dry out. The storm started so suddenly that I was soaked before I had time to stop and get my waterproofs out of the saddle bag.

07-01-2013, 10:58 PM
I've had several vinyl rain suits that worked pretty good but on a friend's recommendation I tried Frog Toggs and I really love them. They are basically made of Tyvek and they "breath" which may not make a lot of difference if you are in a cool climate, but it's great for the Southern U.S.A. I also spent some money on rainproof boots and that beats the slip on boot covers hands down.

07-02-2013, 01:40 PM
I wear composite toe Redwings that I use for my job anyways. They work well and have protected me fine. ONly problem is when I ride in the rain and it soaks thru my jeans it then fills my boots with water. It has literally taken days to dry them out AFTER I empty the literal cup of water out.

Has anyone used those rain protectors that go from your thigh down over your boots? do they work to keep your legs and boots dry.