View Full Version : Helmet lock for standard grip?

06-12-2013, 01:31 PM
I new GZ has a missing handlebar balancer on the throttle. I don't like the open hole there, so I'd like to get a new one. Found one on bikebandit (found the site recommended in the forum someplace here) for $36...
http://www.bikebandit.com/2006-suzuki-g ... 3sch510931 (http://www.bikebandit.com/2006-suzuki-gz250-handlebar/o/m9763sch510931)

For that amount, I'm hoping I could spend a bit more and get one of those fancey helmet locks that fit there instead. I have a fullface and hear they don't secure well to the under the seat helmet...holder... :poke2: ...uh, thing. I can't seem to find any to fit the standard grip though.

Anyone come across one of these?

06-12-2013, 03:54 PM
You can get a short (3-4') cable lock in Walmart or anyplace and put the cable through the helmet and secure it on the bike somewhere. If you get a 5-6'cable lock, you can thread it through your jacket sleeves and also secure that to the bike instead of carrying it or wearing it around.

06-12-2013, 04:06 PM
That is probably what I'll end up doing. The reviews don't seem that great on them, but there are retractable cable locks. I figure I'll toss one of those in my seat and use that. But if I have to replace that balancer anyway.... I might as well try for a cool accessory. :tongue:

06-14-2013, 11:04 AM
Well I think I found what I'm going with. They make extensions for the helmet lock under the seat.
