View Full Version : spark plug gap

06-11-2013, 10:47 PM
What is the spark plug gap for a 2001 GZ250?

06-12-2013, 12:15 AM
The correct gap is 0.024 - 0.028. :cool: :)

06-12-2013, 01:55 AM
If you're a guy, your thumbnail should just fit in the gap.

For girls, it's more like a loose fit (and she should be using her thumb too):

06-12-2013, 04:45 AM
This sure is a weird place to post this question. LOL :tongue:
Its funny cause I just replaced my spark plug today (first time) and was asking the same question.

Try this if you need more help:

viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1715 (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1715)