View Full Version : I finally got one! And now the questions...

06-08-2013, 06:23 PM
Title says it all! It's been a long 8 years since I got my license, and now I finally have a bike to go with it. It's a 2006 with just under 5.5k miles. He hadn't ridden it yet this spring, so what do I need to do? I admit i rode it around a few miles today since it will rain tomorrow, but I know it needs an oil change. Anything else after a winter?

It sometimes smells like gas. No visible leak or anything, I'm thinking its just that I'm my used to siting on a gas tank!

There's a slight metallic sound when I'm rolling with it off. Again I think this is normal, just checking.

It will be outside kept. It's in the garage now, but that won't last. What covers have worked well for you all?

An this is an odd one... I had a little kid, like 8, throw a small rock at me at a stop sign. I just stared at him in confusion a bit, he was real obvious about it. I thought about beeping, but don't. What would you do?

06-08-2013, 10:39 PM
1 -Anything else after a winter?

2 -It sometimes smells like gas. No visible leak or anything, I'm thinking its just that I'm my used to siting on a gas tank!

3 -There's a slight metallic sound when I'm rolling with it off. Again I think this is normal, just checking.

4 -It will be outside kept. It's in the garage now, but that won't last. What covers have worked well for you all?

5 -An this is an odd one... I had a little kid, like 8, throw a small rock at me at a stop sign. I just stared at him in confusion a bit, he was real obvious about it. I thought about beeping, but don't. What would you do?
Congratulations! Many miles to you, with the rubber side always down! :2tup:

1 - Download the manual, see what could be appropriate (tire pressure check & oil cables, for instance)

2 - Yea, when the tank warms up in the sun or because of the hot engine, it tends to huff out some gas vapors through the little hole in the cap.

3 - It's made of metal for a large part, that may explain it.

4 - One that's big enough so you don't have the bottoms of the wheels exposed, they will rust.

5 - I'd throw a bigger rock back, or try (pretend) to run him over. Weird. You must have met a future criminal or politician. 8 year olds tend to wave, I hope that will be your future experience too.

07-08-2013, 01:26 PM
You must have met a future criminal or politician.

I actually laughed out loud in the office reading that one. :lol: :blush: