05-29-2013, 06:20 PM
After all I've said about the Guardia Civil being a money collecting machine, I've finally found a nice one..... Tonight I had to go to the dentist's in Santa Úrsula. On the way back home I got pulled into a road block spot check. I showed him my licence, first, and he seemed more interested that it was a UK one. As he checked it, he noticed that it was issued in 1974. He seemed impressed, and when I told him that this was only the date that the new type (plastic) licences were issued, and that I had been riding since 1965, he was even more impressed. He then looked the bike over, and when he saw that the licence plate holder had the logo of the bike shop (Alonso) on it, he said "Oh, that's a mate of mine". When he saw the sticker on my box (Keep cell phone masts out of La Perdoma) he asked if I lived there. When I said yes, he said "Ok, on your way". "Don't you want to see the rest of my papers?" "No, it's ok, on your way". I never, ever, thought that I'd find one that didn't want to find some reason to fine me. :)