View Full Version : another new member with a gz250

05-25-2013, 07:21 PM
I have been looking for a project bike for awhile now and finally had a friend getting rid of his first motorcycle. 2003 250 which i ended up getting for free, sadly it did not run. Since I still had my daily driver a 79 yamaha xs750 special I knew this was going to be project bike i had been looking for. Now a little about me I have no mechanical skills what so ever but learning as I dig in. I am taking kflint's bike as an example of what I would like mine to be, with a few changes of course to make it my own. So time for the pics.

http://s21.postimg.org/jek1aup1v/882037_10151362232919397_1591124179_o.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/jek1aup1v/)
Just unload from the truck. Only damage I could find was a dent in the gas tank and some scraping on the front fender.

http://s8.postimg.org/ynwum3g29/478929_10151385144234397_917851726_o.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/ynwum3g29/)
Into the garage and tear down has begun.

http://s21.postimg.org/6bfojh103/2013_04_25_18_23_43.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/6bfojh103/)
little further into the teardown and think I found why the bike was not running. Engine turns over so it is not locked up but nothing will flow through the petcock so no gas getting to the engine.

http://s22.postimg.org/60x3flzdp/2013_05_07_17_34_45.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/60x3flzdp/)
Pipes removed have an idea of what i want the new pipes to look like just got to find a place to get some material to make new ones. They will be wrapped then when finished.

http://s23.postimg.org/vbetzep2f/2013_05_23_17_59_13.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/vbetzep2f/)
grinder out taking off a few parts.

http://s22.postimg.org/3mjgjs47x/2013_05_23_18_22_43.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/3mjgjs47x/)
tape marks where I am thinking of cutting of the rear fender struts. They have not been cut off yet as I am still trying to figure out how I am going to do my rear fender and I need a new blade for the saw.

05-27-2013, 12:34 PM

I love it. I'm a guy who just got his first bike, a 2008 gz250, and I can't stop modifying mine. I am looking forward to seeing your progress. I'm also looking for somewhere that i can get the raw materials to make a custom exhaust. What kind of wrap are you going to go with?

Also, anyone who reads this...Has anyone ever heard of using a high temp silicone hose for their exhaust?

05-29-2013, 09:51 AM
There is a photo by a well-missed member here named Patrick_777 showing the temp readings of the engine.
I really don't think silicone would hold up. You're talking about incredibly high temperatures followed by cool down sessions. Being exposed to that kind of abuse for, say, even just 1,000 miles would be a LOT to ask silicone to put up with with.

05-29-2013, 01:06 PM
I have to do some measuring but I did come across this custom builder exhaust kit from tc bros. If I go with this I will probably go with a white wrap from them a well.

http://www.tcbroschoppers.com/intake-ex ... meter.html (http://www.tcbroschoppers.com/intake-exhaust/yamaha-xs650-builder-exhaust-kit-1-5-inch-diameter.html)

06-14-2013, 01:17 AM
Well, parts are still coming off. My 2 yr old and I started in on the engine tonight. Little by little it is coming apart. I am actually thinking of taking a small brake from the bike to build an abrasion blasting booth. I have read some post on building your own and it seems pretty straight forward. It also seems a whole lot cheaper then sending everything off to someone else to do and this way I get another toy out of the deal. I am working on some rough sketches of the booth, thinking it might be nice if it was large enough to put the whole frame in but really do not have that type of room in my garage. Building of the booth is not my major concern but I am at a loss on what size of air compressor I should really look into. Right now all i have is a small pig style compressor and know that it would probably not do the trick for sand blasting.