View Full Version : Electric problem

05-16-2013, 05:24 PM
Hello friends, I have a problem, I hope you can help me, my GZ250 burning fuse 15 amps of signal lights, which can be? where I check? :poorbaby:
I'd like to solve it myself.
Thanks and greetings from Chile

05-16-2013, 08:03 PM
Check for a short or abraded wire inside the headlight bucket. If nothing is found there, you may have to remove the gas tank (easy) and trace all the wires to make sure nothing is abraded and is contacting the frame.

05-16-2013, 11:32 PM
Mine did that when I got it, because underneath the tank a wire touched the cylinder head, the wire's insulation had melted, resulting in a short circuit. Moved the wire and put some electric tape around it, never had the problem since.

PS Long time no see, how are you? Everything OK with the Ratas Meurtas?

05-17-2013, 04:10 AM
:plus1: to all the above.

05-17-2013, 09:22 AM
Thank you very much to all for the help, hello 5th_bike, long time since I had entered the forum, well all was well with Dead Rats until they decided to change the name because of a long list of events such as collisions, skidding, etcetera. The President believes that the name attracts bad vibes lol ... lol even you can visit the website
www.ratasmuertas.cl (http://www.ratasmuertas.cl), There are many amusing photographs

With respect to GZ, and did all that, got the pond and found wires with signs of damage or injury, including looking smelled burning smell and NOTHING. Where else can I look? something caught my attention the neutral indicator light bulb burned, have something to do?

Well I leave my thanks and greetings from these distant lands (Chile)

05-17-2013, 10:15 AM
The Orange/Green wire that leads into the #4 fuse, which is the signal fuse, also taps into the Neutral light. But that shouldn't burn the fuse.
It's also connected to the rear and front brake light switch.

Do your brakes light up properly?

Fuses 3-4 are all connected in one way or another. You have an issue in either the ignition or tail light wiring.

This should at least narrow down your search.
The main brake light wire is the Black/White wire.
Trace all your grounds to make sure that they are tight and then inspect for fraying/eroded wires.



If the image is too small, that link will take you directly to a blow-up of the wiring diagram.

Good luck!

05-17-2013, 10:57 AM
Thank you very much jonathan180iq, the picture is amazing, I would definitely be very useful at the time of recheck everything again, you mentioned some problems with the "engine" O_o
but if is not the wiring, I should check on the engine? which part of the engine?

Thanks for your help, best regards

05-17-2013, 11:49 AM
The main brake light wire is the Black/White wire.

Surely the black/white is the ground????????????????

05-17-2013, 01:47 PM
The main brake light wire is the Black/White wire.

Surely the black/white is the ground????????????????

Yeah, I guess I didn't write that very well. The main GROUND for the whole she-bang is the Black/White wire. It's mostly black with a white stripe.
My bad.

05-17-2013, 01:49 PM
...you mentioned some problems with the "engine" O_o
but if is not the wiring, I should check on the engine? which part of the engine?

I mean that the wires are connected at various points on the way to the Ignition, meaning your key switch. Between the tail light area and the ignition switch, you SHOULD be able to track down your short. The engine, if it's running, don't worry about :)

05-17-2013, 03:18 PM
jonathan180iq, I must confess that gave me a fright :cry: the word "engine" , but now I have clear what you meant.

I have no words to thank you for your help and support the other forum friends have given me. :2tup:

Thanks to the diagram I can have detected the source of the problem.
Thanks and best regards from Chile

05-17-2013, 03:40 PM
I have detected the source of the problem.

So.......What was it? :)

05-17-2013, 03:47 PM
i'm working on it, thank you for your concern
i´ll let you know as soon as i can
regards :2tup:

05-19-2013, 08:39 PM
Hello friends, sorry for the delay in answering, but time is short :biggrin:

These are the results of the test after the motorcycle opened completely, after cleaning the front brake commands and commands of intermittent, performed the miracle.

To verify circuits, connect one by one and testing if the fuse was burned until finally connect the circuit rear brake light and the fuse was still intact.

The motorcycle resubmitted with fuse problems. But only drove in the city, I need to test it on the road and see what happens at high rpm. The plane was very useful. :)

As I had to remove the tank to check the wiring again, I noticed that the bolts holding the engine to the chassis were loose :shocked: , had noticed a sound that made "clap clap clap" that had made me think they were the valves but they were the bolts I mentioned. :lol:

Thank you all for your help, best regards from Chile :2tup:

05-21-2013, 09:40 AM