View Full Version : Stowing Riding Gear

12-08-2007, 08:34 PM
I was just wondering what most folks do with their riding gear (pants/jacket, etc) when you go somewhere and park the bike. My GZ has the standard Suzuki saddle bags, but they are really too small to hold much. I was told by a person where I bought the GZ that it was not a good idea to leave gear at the bike since it might not be there when you come back. Do most folks use a backpack and then just carry the stuff around? Or would it be better to put hard cases with locks in place of the leather saddle bags....seems like an expensive solution. I've been locking my helmet on the pegs under the seat and it seems OK so far.

Just looking for some suggestions....thanks.

Easy Rider
12-08-2007, 10:53 PM
I was just wondering what most folks do with their riding gear (pants/jacket, etc) when you go somewhere and park the bike.

Well, I think you've got 2 of the options figured out: Keep them with you, as in, wear or carry. Get bigger lockable bags......or store part in smaller bags and wear part...
Get an inexpensive cable lock; run the cable through the jacket arms and/or pants legs and then through part of the frame.
This is not a good idea, however, if the weather is bad (rain, snow or extreme heat).

Unless you are in a real bad area, people usually won't mess with bags that aren't locked........for a short time in the day light.

12-09-2007, 11:12 AM
Thanks for the tip...I do have a smaller duffel bag that I can bungy net down to the back seat. I suppose I can find a small lock to secure the zipper and then cable lock the bag to the bike. With the net over the bag, it's probably less likely to walk than with just a couple of bungy cords. Unfortunately the crime around Atlanta is on the increase, so you have to be careful. I think I'm also going to cable lock my front wheel through the disc brake as added security for the bike.

Easy Rider
12-09-2007, 07:25 PM
Unfortunately the crime around Atlanta is on the increase, so you have to be careful. I think I'm also going to cable lock my front wheel through the disc brake as added security for the bike.

:oops: Forgot where you are located!
Would definitely NOT leave anything of value on the bike unsecured........and even secured, wouldn't leave it out in the open unguarded for long.

12-10-2007, 09:13 AM
If you are going to go with a disc lock, you'd better make it a habit of removing that thing every single time to get on the bike. The one time you forget your disc lock will be the last, since you'll never forget the feeling of trying to ride off and your bike just falls over. :)

12-10-2007, 05:25 PM
I'll bet that would be a fun experience...coming to screeching halt and then just falling over...ouch! I was actually thinking about using a Krypton cable lock. I use these for my Trek road bike and they look like they would be tough to cut through if someone wanted to steal the bike. I can probably loop the cable over the handlebar just to make sure I don't forget to take it off.

I might look at getting some hard case saddlebags next summer with locks. I just don't feel comfortable leaving gear with the bike in the Atlanta area. Too much of a temptation.

12-30-2007, 11:15 AM
I use ammo can panniers and gun locks (aka cable locks) to secure my gear. I'm not to worried about getting my bike stolen so I just lock it and take the keys.

I also carry a cable that can be run through a jacket sleeve and locked to the bike. I managed to lock three jackets and a pair of pants to my GZ250 once.

01-03-2008, 01:02 PM
Good idea about the gun lock cable through the arms and legs of riding gear. I'll give that a try. Thanks for the suggestions.

Water Warrior 2
01-04-2008, 12:09 AM
Another storage idea for various items. How about a fairly cheap top case from JC Whitney that is proving quite popular. You could mount it in place of the pillion seat if you never want to carry a passenger. Go to Bike mods and check out trunk installation pics by Happy Hobo on her bike. It is an easy install and keeps the grandkids from wanting rides. Bonus is a built in back rest for free.

02-02-2008, 11:08 AM
Good idea about the gun lock cable through the arms and legs of riding gear. I'll give that a try. Thanks for the suggestions.

You can get the cable/gun locks free from your local gun control organization, sheriff, police, and some times fromt he state game and fish department. I have about ten of them and didn't pay for one.

02-03-2008, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the info on the gun cable...I'll definately will have to get one. An update to my saddlebag situation, I was able to find a new set of leather saddlebags made by "Saddlemen" at my local bike shop. They actually have locking straps that make them a bit more secure. Plus they are a good bit larger than the Suzuki bags that came with the GZ250. The dimensions on the ones I got are 15.5" x 9.5" x 5" and they work well on the bike without touching the muffler exhaust. These are slant style bags and I was able to pick them up for $110. I thought that was a good price. They will hold my riding pants without the liner, however when I have the liner and armor in the pants, they still and too bulky to fit in the the bag...so the gun cable will work well in those situations.