View Full Version : Idle, Choke, and Backfire?

05-13-2013, 09:16 AM
I have a 2003 GZ 250.

So on my way to work this morning my bike ran out of gas. I walked it .25 miles to a repair shop that doesn't sell gas. The guy gave me a gallon of 93 premium non-ethanol gas and I was on my way. Rode down the street to a gas station where I filled up on 93 premium non-ethanol gas.

Now, here is the problem I am having (I have never had this problem before and did not have it prior to today's events). 1) In order to keep my bike idling at a normal rpm, I have to have the choke open all the way. Otherwise, it will stall out. As I am riding I can close the choke and accelerate fine, but if I brake or slow down, the bike stalls out. I then have to open the choke all the way and and start it back up. 2) When the choke is fully open, it does not idle at a high rpm, but at a normal rpm as if the bike is warm and the choke is closed. 3) If I rev the bike while in neutral, it backfires once or twice as the rpms slow down.

Any idea what in the world is going on?

05-13-2013, 10:01 AM
When you ran out of fuel you picked up some dirt in the pilot jet (idle jet).You may be able to clear it with a dose of SeaFoam & a inline filter would be a good investment to keep any dirt from getting to the carb.
:) :cool:

05-13-2013, 10:15 AM

Do I need to add SeaFoam to an empty tank of gas and then fill up? Or can I add it now while the tank is full?

05-13-2013, 11:35 AM
Or can I add it now while the tank is full?


05-13-2013, 11:37 AM
Thanks so much guys!

Water Warrior 2
05-15-2013, 06:38 PM
Go back to using 87 octane gas. The GZ neither needs or likes the 93 octane to be healthy.