View Full Version : GZ250 identical help

05-11-2013, 09:48 PM
Okay so I just bought this, what I know of is a Pheonix 250 that I guess was sold by pepboys. And after looking around online. My bike is a mirror copy of the GZ250. Probably the 2009 model right down to the nuts and bolts. Only difference I can find is my motor is a 233cc twin cylinder and the motor cut off switch is different but in the exact same place as the Suzuki and the head light is bigger and came with three head lights instead of one. My question is that is what I have might be a clone of the GZ250? I also need a wiring schematic with color codes so I can trace down where everything goes. If anyone can help me with this I will be very grateful. It was rolled from what the body looks like but still runs. I found all the parts I need to restore it to factory condition but I would like to know if they would be compatible with my bike I'll submit a picture of it so you can see what I'm talking about. Thanks again for any info I can get
http://s9.postimg.org/tp55pmh17/image.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/tp55pmh17/)

05-11-2013, 09:52 PM
Also it was manufactured September 2nd of 2007 from what the sticker on the frame reads.

05-12-2013, 03:56 AM
Hi there,

Can you rotate the picture, then re-post it? It's a bit awkward to see it at the moment.You should be able to right click the original, then click on "rotate clockwise" :2tup:

05-13-2013, 08:27 AM
The thing is, you have a clone in appearance, but they aren't going to be the same bike.

I'm a fan of the chinese motorcycle and automotive market, and I've owned a few Chinese bikes. While we can certainly help you and iron out some of the base level stuff, your bike is going to be very different from the GZ. I'm sure most of the peripherial things are in the same location, simply based on available space and things like that... I mean, motorcycle only really work one way. So even a scooter and a Hyabusa aren't going to be THAT different.

As for wiring schematics, I would bet money that your bike and the GZ wiring isn't going to be the same.
But you can always check.

Download the service manual for our bike. There is a wiring diagram in the back. Pick an easily accesible section of your bike and see if ANY of the colors match. (I doubt that they will, but you can at least give it a shot.)

All that being said, we're glad you're here. Welcome aboard!
If nothing else, you can come in here and talk motorcycles with us.

I can go ahead and tell you, a lot of guys are going to be jealous of your light bar and of your mag wheels. RookieRider has the same wheels as you. Everyone was very curious as to how he got them on there, but they are very obviously from your model bike. :)

05-13-2013, 10:15 PM
OK, here's the scoop. The distributor website:

http://www.bajamotorsports.com/categori ... hoenix-250 (http://www.bajamotorsports.com/categories/motorcycles/products/PX250_baja-phoenix-250)

Apparently, mechanically it's a Chinese rip-off of a Honda 250, and visually it's a Chinese rip-off of a GZ250.

05-14-2013, 06:29 PM
Try to look hat this. It might fit your bike.
http://kinojserklubben.dk/dokumenter/ve ... ram_dk.pdf (http://kinojserklubben.dk/dokumenter/vejledninger/JL250-5_eldiagram_dk.pdf)

05-15-2013, 08:23 AM
Holy crap! That's a beautiful wiring diagram


05-15-2013, 11:42 AM
yep, its not too bad :cool: A lot of the chaps in Denmark from www.kinojserklubben.dk (http://www.kinojserklubben.dk) knows what they are doing when it comes to bikes from china. Ther is always something wrong, so....... :roll: The only problem is to find the right chap to talk to. because everybody has an opinion about your problem. and not everybody knows what they are talking about. :skeptical:
But they are all willing to help :rawk:

Water Warrior 2
05-15-2013, 05:49 PM
The bike is probably using a clone of the Honda 223 twin found in the Rebel and built under an agreement with Honda. Hopefully they ironed out the balky 1st gear in the Honda.

05-16-2013, 12:16 PM
The bike is probably using a clone of the Honda 223 twin found in the Rebel and built under an agreement with Honda.

That's exactly what it is. These days I think Honda probably makes more money licensing designs to Chinese, Indian, and Taiwanese manufacturers than they do from selling bikes themselves.

Sym, who's been producing the Cub for the last couple of decades, has just brought out a line of 125s that are basically updated early 70's CB100/125s. They're to Honda what Caterham is to Lotus.