View Full Version : Light bars?

05-09-2013, 08:13 PM
Hello! Picked up a nice '01 last week, really enjoying this little bike, but I was wondering if there's a set of light bars out there that fit on this little guy. I did some googling and there are quite a few links to defunct sites, but I can't find anything I can actually purchase.

05-10-2013, 04:32 AM

You can google SPAAN. It's a good catalogue, for assorted bikes, but you'd have to get the parts sent from Madrid (Spain)

05-10-2013, 08:37 AM
You can also make your own light bar out of aluminum 90degree bar stock and some low-draw automotive fog lights....




You can really use whatever you want, or even just find a nice place on the lower part of your fork brace and mount them up to that. That's what I did on my last set. It was on a Vulcan '750 and I just remounted the horns and used the horn bolt holes. Just be inventive :)

Water Warrior 2
05-15-2013, 06:12 PM
I like Jonathan's idea. Get the two little round lights from Walmart and replace the 50 watt MR-16 bulbs with 20 watt bulbs.
The 20 watt bulbs were very helpful on Lynda's M-50 when she rode it at night. During the day the bike was more noticeable too. Two 20 watt bulbs are about all the GZ will support without the battery being drained.
You can also go to high dollar LED's but that is another story unless you are feeling rich. Low $ LED's won't light up the inside of a cow after dark.
Whatever you do you should use a relay to power the driving lights.