View Full Version : bike runs great for about 20 minutes then stalls.

05-06-2013, 02:45 PM
Bike starts right up, no problems there. But when I ride for about 20 minutes, it will sputter then die, and not start back up. If I let it sit for about 30 minutes it will fire right back up, but do the same stall and not start again. I am thinking along the lines of carbuerator flooding issues, or coil overheating. Thanks in advance for any help.

05-06-2013, 06:08 PM
coil or cdi

Water Warrior 2
05-06-2013, 10:04 PM
Might be a plugged gas cap vent. When the bike quits running just remove the cap and the vacuum in the tank will equalize with the outside air pressure. If the bike starts right up you have found the problem.

05-06-2013, 11:11 PM
Will try the gas cap. Hope thats all it is. If it is plugged, how can I unplug it, or do I need a new one.

Water Warrior 2
05-07-2013, 03:13 AM
Never done it myself but some one with experience will be along shortly.

05-07-2013, 09:40 AM
You can clean the little vent hole. Carb cleaner and a toothpick for anything that might be large enough to warrant it.

If it's running fine for nearly 20 minutes, then your bigger issue things aren't really going to be a problem.

When you can restart it, is the bike still warm? Do you have to use choke when you restart?

05-07-2013, 12:26 PM
dont need choke and bike is still warm.

05-07-2013, 12:31 PM
Thank for the help everyone. johnathan180iq, just noticed, youre in dalton ga. very close to my neck of the woods.

05-07-2013, 03:07 PM
Turned out to be the gas cap vent. Cleaned it and bike runs awesome. Thanks everyone for the help. Happy, and safe riding out there.

Water Warrior 2
05-07-2013, 03:37 PM
:2tup: :2tup: :2tup: :2tup:

05-07-2013, 04:40 PM
Thank for the help everyone. johnathan180iq, just noticed, youre in dalton ga. very close to my neck of the woods.

Cool, man. If you ever need anything just hit me up. I don't have a bike currently but I'm always in the market and I kinda know what I'm doing.... Aw, who am I kidding? I only enough to be able to screw things up the FUBAR level.

05-07-2013, 06:49 PM
One of the signs of the cap vent being plugged is a slight hissing when you turn the bike off - from the air being sucked back into the tank. Another sign is if and when you remove the cap you may hear the inrush of air into the tank
Either way, glad you found the problem and were able to fix it. Sometimes the easiest solutions are never thought of and people spend all kinds of money replacing things that aren't broke trying to solve a problem they don't understand. And that's why we are here. :) :) :2tup: :2tup: :rawk:

05-08-2013, 01:22 AM
Well, back to square one. Rode bike to work, about 25 miles and ran fine. Left.work started rigjt up and ran for about 5 min. And died doin about 35. Will crank but wont start. gonna haul it home.. Frustrated.

05-08-2013, 09:15 AM
If the bike stutters then dies, not suddenly dying, you could also have a fuel delivery problem, possibly from a clogged/dirty strainer at the top of the fuel pickup tube in the tank. Does anybody else know if there is a little strainer on the ends of the fuel pickup tubes? - I seem to remember that there was. To see if this is a problem, try to start or run it on Reserve, that may not be clogged. Also remove the fuel line from the petcock to the carb, crank the bike and see if any fuel drips out.
See if there is any dirt in the fuel. And try to run it also on Prime. Check the vacuum hose to the petcock to make sure it's not cracked or leaking. The petcock needs vacuum to open so fuel flows when in Run or Reserve.
This may not be the problem, but start at the top and work your way down. (and the obvious - you do have gas in the tank, right?)
Did you try and remove the gas cap again and see if it started? That vent tube may still be clogged.

Also. make sure your battery terminal connections are clean and tight. A loose connection while riding can vibrate even looser and without any juice, the bike dies.

05-08-2013, 02:26 PM
I am getting fuel and spark. went out this morning and it would crank, but will not turn over. taking it to a shop, after cleaning the carb, replacing the battery, changing oil and plug. im done messing with it. I just dont get why it ran fine all the way to work. started fine and ran good, for about 1 mile after work then just quits. Checked out all connections this morning, unplugged fuel line from carb, gettin fuel cause its pumps while i try and start it. Tested for spark at the plug and its ok too.

05-08-2013, 02:41 PM
check compression one of the valves may bi to tite

05-08-2013, 03:19 PM
I don't know, Raul.
In my experience when valves are too tight the problem presents itself during cold starting, not once the bike is warmed up.

I had an issue like this with my old Ninja 250 after the bike sat for a few weeks. I could start it, not problem and I could even get up to speed. But after a few minutes the bike would sputter out and it would die. I had this problem for a couple of days but I was always able to get to where I was going and, like you, the bike would be fine after sitting for a while.

My solution cleared itself up after burning through a half tank of gas. I guess there was just some varnish or debris that unclogged itself. (I was younger at the time and didn't know what I was doing anyway so I couldn't really tell you what it was.)

If you said you have already cleaned the carb, then I would ask how old your gas is. The clog being inside the gas tank, at the petcock fill tube, sounds pretty solid. But you also need good vacuum and the vacuum hoses attached in the right place. There are two hoses behind the petcock that people get plugged up backwards a lot of time and it can cause issues similar to the one you are describing.