View Full Version : Good bye to The Beast

05-05-2013, 08:36 AM
Hi All,
Well, after 3 years and a move to a warmer climate, I parted ways with my baby "The Beast." I responded to an online post for someone looking for a 250 cc bike for their son. This Saturday, the adoptive family came to take a look. The Beast was all shiny and was looking awesome. They came prepared to haggle, but noticed how well maintained he was and made a reasonable offer. The new rider's eyes were all glazed and happy. I remember that look and knew I had made the right decision. The Beast would be in good hands.
A short time later, there I stood outside, prepared to ride, gear on, helmet in hand, with nothing to ride. So what did I do, jumped in my Jeep, drove to the dealership I'd been stalking for a while, and bought me a new baby. His name is "Flash", he's a beautiful Victory Cross Country. I'm missing the Beast because there's nothing like your first bike. But, I am excited about bonding with my new baby. I told the new owner how great this forum is. You guys are awesome, and were invaluable to me as a new rider and owner of a GZ250. I appreciate all of your advice and encouragement. Ride On! :rawk:

05-05-2013, 10:18 AM


Water Warrior 2
05-05-2013, 02:41 PM
Congrats Rionna. A Victory is a fine bike with a lot of good traits and features. Please post some pics of the smiling rider with her new ride.

05-05-2013, 11:22 PM
Thanks WW. I will post pics as soon as I pick up my bike. Should be in about 2 weeks.

Rookie Rider
05-06-2013, 12:59 AM
Awwww, it is sad. I still have my gz since i bought my sportster. Im gonna keep both for a while. Congrats on Flash, enjoy !!

05-06-2013, 04:52 PM
Congrats on the sale and the new bike!

05-06-2013, 09:27 PM
Thanks all. Yes RR, I thought about keeping both. However, my insurance tripled when I moved to a warmer state and I don't have the room to garage it where it can be kept safe. I'm glad someone will benefit from riding it and enjoy it as much as I did. I do feel a sense of loss though.