View Full Version : Surface Rust

New GZ250
04-29-2013, 02:18 PM
Long story short, rode my GZ250 to my Triumph dealer, my sales person noticed some surface rust on my springs and told be a brass brush would remove the rust. I bought, he was right, no rust, no scratches.

Water Warrior 2
04-29-2013, 09:09 PM
Brass is a soft enough metal not to scratch.

New GZ250
05-03-2013, 01:56 PM
Yes been very happy with the results, noticed my exhaust pipe is showing some rust, going to try the same. Brings the bike to new looking. It is a wonder drug to bring the bike back to the way it was. I highly recommend it, as I live in a very high humid area, think the Pacific Ocean. I have noticed my Bonne doesn't suffer as bad. (Better chrome or galvanized) love both bikes, for different reasons. I the past I have tried Crome polices, but did little to nothing. My dealer stated they use brass on their trade ins to bring them bad to near new condition.

05-29-2013, 07:17 AM
Well I live on the east coast by a little water called the Atlantic Ocean. I even rode on the beach. I wash often, dry with a blower and use Nu Finish on ALL of the bike, paint and chrome about ever 6 weeks. I do this on all my bikes and cars. Have not had a rust problem.

05-29-2013, 02:14 PM
I am right on the Gulf coast and with all the moisture and probably salty air, everything I own, including all the chrome and stainless steel on my Suzuki S50 and my painted golf cart, BBQ grill, utility trailer, and everything else, is slowly turning a nice shade of rusty brown, or is disintegrating altogether. The chrome is peeling off, the stainless gets covered with rust spots. Wax and cleaners do little to protect these surfaces and what I use most is Phospho or one of the other chemicals to convert rust (ferric oxide) into that black inert stuff (ferric sulfate). It seems to be a losing battle. If I ever win the lottery I will have my bike totally disassembled and powder coated to protect it.

05-29-2013, 03:24 PM
Mine is the same. Even though I live in a "warm" country, I'm up in the mountains, where the clouds fill the air with moisture (up to 90% in summer) and then there's the rainy season. The chrome on the front of the crashbars was non existant (so I painted 'em black). Now there's just rust on the front of the mirror arms. They're the next things I'll have to paint.