View Full Version : Valve clearance adjusted, now idle is high

04-24-2013, 10:42 PM
Since I picked up my '06 with only 700 miles on it, when I was getting new tires put on it I had the valve clearance checked since it might not have been done at the 600 mile interval.

After I picked it up, the engine felt like it was running a little smoother than before. But as the engine warmed up, the idle got pretty high. Without a tach I can't really say where it is, but I'm pretty sure it's too high. Also, when I turned off the engine (once when filling up, once back at home), it backfired.

It kind of feels like the choke is still engaged, but do you think it is just a matter of turning down the idle?

04-24-2013, 11:05 PM
Yep.Just adjust your idle.Now that the valves are adjusted properly the engine is breathing easier & running better.
:) :cool:

04-25-2013, 03:19 PM
Thanks Blaine, appreciate the answer to a question that superficially is pretty obvious.

I was just worried that perhaps the valve adjustment had affected other settings and that playing with the idle might enter a never-ending cycle of adjustments.

I suppose the no-screwdriver-needed nature of the idle adjuster means that it's something you might play with a lot.

04-25-2013, 06:24 PM
if you don.t change the pilot screw seating will bi 500 to 600 rpm differences from cold engine to hot engine

04-26-2013, 07:07 AM
I suppose the no-screwdriver-needed nature of the idle adjuster means that it's something you might play with a lot.

Don't forget - only play with it when the engine is HOT. Then play with it until you get it how YOU want it. Remember, Suzuki say 1200 - 1400 RPM, so that's your starting point. If you don't know what that sounds like, remember that a car idles at around 850 RPM so listen to your car, and the bike should sound around 1½ times as fast. :2tup: