View Full Version : Tool Kit

11-28-2007, 07:50 PM
Anyone carry tools other than the stock tool kit.

11-29-2007, 08:09 AM
I keep a good set of allen wrenches and few assorted sockets under the seat.

If I travel long distance, I scrap the toolkit for real tools.

11-30-2007, 01:04 PM
I carry standard tool kit & spare plug & spare head light bulb and 1 spare signal / tail bulb & a small oil can & bungee cord. I check all bolts, connections , cables etc. .... periodically when cleaning.

Water Warrior 2
11-30-2007, 09:01 PM
Spares are nice if you have the room. I carry spare fuses and a spare valve core. Fuses are pretty well self explanatory. A spare valve core is now part of the survival gear after one went south during the summer. A flashlight is also a great idea just in case.

12-05-2007, 10:40 AM
When I got my 2000 GZ 250 last week, there wasn't a tool kit under the seat. Any suggestions on getting a replacement...could I find something at Harbor Freight that might fit the space or should I just order a replacement kit from the Suzuki dealer? Not really sure what's included in the standard kit. Thanks....

12-05-2007, 09:49 PM
The tool kits are available online, for example babbittsonline dot com [NOTE I do not know if they have the best deal nor am I affiliated with them etc. etc.] pick Suzuki - 2005 - GZ250 and then select "Frame cover", it is one of the items there. As noted there are also other sites where they sell them, and probably your dealer either has it or can order it for you.

PS apart from the tool kit I carry a swiss army knife.

12-06-2007, 07:42 AM
Thanks for info...I'll check out the website. Good idea about the Swiss Army knife...you never know. :tup:

Easy Rider
12-06-2007, 09:41 AM
PS apart from the tool kit I carry a swiss army knife.

Good idea, indeed. Also add to the kit any "special" tools required for tightening up accessories, like allen wrenches for a windscreen.

04-28-2008, 06:03 PM
Does anybody know if Craftsmen still make MC tool kits? I see them on ebay but not on the Sears website

turbo chicken
05-07-2008, 12:28 PM
found a cool link to make a list for your tool kit... http://micapeak.com/checklists/toolkit.html

I need to check and see if i have the factory one...

guess it's off to download the manual and figure out how to take off the seat!

this site looks promising also http://www.cruztools.com/ the RoadTechâ„¢ M3 kit look promising!!! bet i can put something similar for waay more cheap at the pawn shop nearby!!!

I will likely build a tool kit since they list the contents on their website ... but i will be getting one of there cool multitools to go in it...

ebay search for cruz tools ... http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dl ... category0= (http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=cruztools&category0=)

ebay link for the multitool http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CruzTOOL ... enameZWD1V (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CruzTOOLS-OUTBACKR-M14-Metric-Folding-Tool-Set-OM14_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el124 7QQcategoryZ10064QQihZ009QQitemZ190156904711QQrdZ1 QQsspagenameZWD1V)[/url]

Easy Rider
05-07-2008, 12:51 PM
guess it's off to download the manual and figure out how to take off the seat!

Is this a GZ you are talking about?
Maybe I missed something but if you need a manual to figure out how to remove the seat (front or back) on a GZ250, you have NO business wrenching on the bike at all !! :cry:

turbo chicken
05-07-2008, 01:14 PM
seriously are you that close minded to think everyone knows their way around a bike... yes you did miss a little... first bike... never wrenched on one... never been around on in a capacity that would have given me prior knowledge to pull a seat off... :roll:

#1 never been around bikes much... i rode the neighbors dirt bike when i was younger but that's about it!!! O_o
#2 I'm very mechanically inclined i've been repairing small engines and cars for as long as i could remember. :rawk:
#3 I have have completed some vocational training that i think would qualify me wo do general maintainence on a bike. :cool:
I know working on cars or even mabey working in an automotive shop as a tech may not make me an expert on a bike... but the principles are the same. :tup:
Let me apologize for being a complete noob about my first real contact with a streetbike... :oops:

and finally for the record ... Easy Rider is a meanie!! :tongue: :mad: :tongue:

Because we don't know eachother verywell... this was meant in a very sarcastic manner... i would have used a bunch of smilies to try and show the sarcasm but i hadn't quite figured it out yet and really no offense taken... :tongue:


I'm going to have more tools than can fit under the sean anyhow... guess i'll be looking for a toolbag to put on the forks also

*edit i figured out the smilies

05-07-2008, 01:29 PM
actually its quite common that you could not figure out how to remove the seat
we had a guy join our Vulcan group and could not figure out haw to remove the seat because there is no keyhole
thats because the vulcan seat is held on by a bolt because most times it is not necessary to remove the seat
where as on the GZ the tool kit and storage is under the seat as well as the helmet locks

so I can see where your confusion came from.

Easy Rider
05-07-2008, 03:00 PM
never been around on in a capacity that would have given me prior knowledge to pull a seat off... :roll:

OK, so maybe I was a little harsh, so let's start over. :oops:

To get the front seat off, you put the key in the lock hole on the side cover just below the seat and turn it until you hear a little "pop" and the seat is loose.

NOW.........that you have the front seat off, if you can't figure out that the rear comes off with 3 simple bolts, then you are not NEAR the mechanic that you think you are !!! :tongue:

It's good not to dig too deeply without a manual, but most stuff is pretty easy and obvious...........for someone with YOUR excellent qualificatons, that is! :roll: ;)

05-07-2008, 04:30 PM
Be nice boys :cool:

We get new people in here all the time and it's great that they join. We don't want to scare them off.

That being said, Turbo, the first thing that is usually suggested to any newcomer on this site is that they download the service manual and familiarize themselves it and with some of previous posts in the maintenance section and the how-to section. That way, we don't get bogged down with the same questions over and over.

Now, back to the topic, the factory tool kit comes in a black plastic bag and rests on a on top of the black plactic "storage" bin that is located under the seat. If it's not there, you're not missing much. The factory tools are pretty useless and a quick trip to the store or your own personal garage can turn up some better quality stuff.

If you are looking for a way to keep tools all nice and tidy and don't want to spend much money, just buy some 4-6" PVC pipe and some end caps. Paint the pipe some happy color and keep in the space that was originally taken by the "storage" bin. You can keep you tools and some rags in there.

I wouldn't suggest those Cruz tools that you were looking at simply because they seem very overpriced just because they carry the "motorcycle tools" title. It's the same with bicycle tools. Some normal tools work fine.

After I get home this evening, I'll take at look at what I have in there and we can discuss what you'll "need" to have in an everyday tool kit.

turbo chicken
05-07-2008, 11:52 PM
oh no... i won't be buying their tool kits ... but i'll use their sets as a starting place to figure out what to get from the pawn shop... i have a set that i use for my car... but i'm not breaking those up to keep on the bike ... those is my babies...

i do like the cruz multitool though... cause "i don't have one of those" :)

i'll do some research tomorrow and see what i can figure out for common sizes hex wrenches sockets don't really want to carry more than i have to.. i got plenty of zip ties and bailing wire, duct tape