View Full Version : My gz250 bogg's down

04-02-2013, 11:34 PM
Hello everyone,
Just thought I would share my issues with every one here.
My gz250 bogg's down when I give it a bit of gas. Can anyone diagnose this? I've looked through this forum and found different answers
mostly had to do with carbs needed to be taken apart and cleaned. Is there a cheaper way?

04-02-2013, 11:44 PM
Welcome to the family :) . Bobbing out a GZ seems to be a fairly common desire right now. Don't be afraid to ask questions, share views and be sure to update with photos as work progresses.

Be sure to put on your "Big Person" panties... we are at times... obnoxious, caustic and not afraid to give a :tdown: or :tup: to any modification you show an interest in . You might want to throw out a :fu: but, remember we're just teasing :lol: :lol:

Lots of great folks on here with VAST amounts of knowledge. Pick their brains.

As to your question - Berryman B-12 about every third tank of gas. The GZ will run on cat piss, but, it really likes an ounce or two of carb cleaner once a month. Taking the carb off and cleaning it yourself is only as expensive as a can of Berryman, and a can of compressed air if you don't have access to a compressor. Where in Florida are you?

04-03-2013, 01:25 AM
Welcome to the forum ! :2tup:

It could be that your carb needs cleaning.

I have never used any carb cleaner, and it runs fine. :hide:

Water Warrior 2
04-03-2013, 03:11 AM
You might want to check the air filter. It must be removed and inspected from the inside.

04-04-2013, 09:40 PM
Ok, so most of my comments and advise that was given was erased :drool:

Water Warrior 2
04-04-2013, 10:45 PM
I think it was this thread where I also mentioned checking the air box for extra holes drilled into it for more air flow. Not a good thing. The air box is designed to be a sealed unit except for it's designed air inlet. The air flow in the GZ air box is a reverse flow item and should never be tampered with. Any extra holes can be easily sealed with duct tape.
Also check for the plug at the bottom of the air box drain tube. It should have one and only be removed for draining gunk out of the air box periodically.
Any mods will allow unfiltered air into the intake system.

04-05-2013, 02:04 AM
You weren't erased Pillowpants. We lost of some data over the last day or so. Sorry, but you'll have to repost it looks like.

04-05-2013, 08:45 AM
Yeah, I kinda figured that Jonathan. It's all good. I checked the airbox and it is sealed. When I was inspecting my bike I found one of the header bolts were loose, but when I tried to tighten the bolt it stripped cuz it was rusty, so the header pipe is a bit loose. Can that have anything to do with my problem? BTW thank u guys for all ur support. :roll:

04-07-2013, 01:14 AM
Well, I tighten all the bolts on the headers and it's still sputtering. Any ideas why the bogging?

04-07-2013, 07:06 PM
Welcome to the forum from South Carolina. Try some Seafoam in the gas and see if that clears it up. It may take a couple of tank fulls.


04-08-2013, 12:08 AM
I went through 1 tank of seafoam so far, but nothing yet. I've notice it only happens when I give it little throttle, so it's hard to just cruise. Is there something better than seafoam or is there a direct way to use seafoam for the carbs without mixing with the gas?