View Full Version : Loud pipe for the GZ

08-03-2006, 01:24 AM
Well here's my mod for my GZ. An EMGO Turnout Muffler (http://traxms.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=TR_8643504&Category_Code=Motorcycle_Exhaust_Emgo_Turn-Out)!

If you want your bike to make some noise, this is the mod to do. Warning: you will have to shim your needle and gain access to your mixture screw to complete this muffler change. Remember, you are going from a dime size hole to an approx 2" outlet :lol: You'll also need someone who can weld. And YOU need to not be afraid to cut off your old muffler :shock:

This muffler really makes the bike go from a put put put to a thump thump thump. Give it some well timed throttle and you can set off the preliminary 'blip blip' of car alarms in city driving. Its really got a decent big bike sound to it now and it definetly turns some heads. They see this single cylinder smaller bike but hear something bigger lol.

Its not a 'drag pipe' loudness but on the other hand its not quiet either. If you want a louder sounding bike, go for it. I'll post a HowTo as soon as i can.

http://upload4.postimage.org/760011/P7100168.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/760011/photo_hosting.html)

Easy Rider
06-16-2007, 07:21 PM
Well here's my mod for my GZ. EMGO Turnout Muffler

If you want your bike to make some noise, this is the mod to do.

Give it some well timed throttle and you can set off the preliminary 'blip blip' of car alarms in city driving.
Its not a 'drag pipe' loudness but on the other hand its not quiet either.

Sigh! Nothing personal in this, Dupo, but I just can't let this pass witout comment.

Is it really a muffler (with real baffles) or just a chromed pipe? From your description, it sounds like an open pipe.

I'm not opposed to a bike (or a car or truck for that matter) that has a throaty rumble but when you're setting off car alarms and turning heads, IMHO you have gone WAY beyond that.

What you have done offends me BECAUSE it no doubt offends other people and contributes to giving motorcycle riders a bad rep. (and a bad rap too).

No, I take my first statement back. It IS personal. :cuss:

Loud pipes risk rights!

06-16-2007, 07:38 PM
Well, I'll step up in Dupo's defense here in saying that no matter what you do to a 250, it's never going to rival the sound of a Harley or big motor cruiser. It simply doesnt have the push to produce that kind of sound. Also, if you listen to the mp3 that Dupo posted of the sound after the mod, it's not that loud. Theres no way you're going to risk rights with a loud pipe on one of our bikes. Hell, I cant even hear mine when i'm sitting next to a bigger, throatier bike.

06-17-2007, 01:45 PM
I don't much care for noise pollution anyway. Just because you can't hear your own bike over the person next to you doesn't mean that you should try to. It'd be much better if the person next to you felt bad for all of their "fwop fwop" and tried to quiet it down.

I can understand the desire for hearing a nice little rumble. However, that doesn't have to come at the expense of everyone else.
A simple change from an air-box to a pod filter really opens up some nice thump, not at everyone else's expense. With the new sounds being right between your legs, it even feels more substantial.

Also, not trying to copy a cliche, but it should be noted that louder pipes do not save lives. Nor, in our case, will it give you more power. I don't know about you guys but I can't tell a difference between 18HP and 19HP

Take care,

Easy Rider
06-17-2007, 04:18 PM
Also, not trying to copy a cliche, but it should be noted that louder pipes do not save lives. Nor, in our case, will it give you more power. I don't know about you guys but I can't tell a difference between 18HP and 19HP

Nope, me neither, but I sure can tell the difference between a 15 and a 16T front sprocket!
Fantastic! And not a bit noisy either. :roll:

P.S. How far are you from Atlanta?

06-17-2007, 11:33 PM
North on 75 it's 88 miles.
27 miles south of Chattanooga.

Easy Rider
06-18-2007, 10:21 AM
North on 75 it's 88 miles.
27 miles south of Chattanooga.

Oh yea, THAT Dalton! :roll:

Pass through there often on the way to visit my daughter in Atlanta. Going again in July but plan on a bike trip this time and a different route.

06-18-2007, 05:19 PM
Sorry to those who take this personal. But this risking others rights is such bs. The only thing they CAN do is change current laws regarding how a bike is to be built. Make it harder to mod. And REALLY ... who is going to 'lose their rights' .. "all" of us? No, if it did go your way, only those with loud pipes would, so you all should really want us to be loud so that the laws get changed in your favor. They can and do have decible laws, but who really enforces it? Unless you are riding like a jackass making as much noise as possible, cops leave you alone. Hell i've gotten passed going up hill with my Spirit 750 (up hill under load with mine is insanely loud) by a cop. He didnt give me a second look. Even then, if you get robo cop pulling you over, he better have metering equipment to say i am over the limit here. And if i am not abusing my pipes, theres no reason to pull me over in the first place. Simply put, you can be loud but also responsible with it. I dont go flaunting through town trying to deafen everyone ... but out in the open country theres cows going 'WHAT??'.

I even went as far as to install big city thunder (washer on stud) baffles to keep it straight pipe sounding (yet, hot rod tone) without losing my mid range. Because thats how i think a bike should sound. Sure its not for everyone .. but it is for me.

I take offense to people telling me what i should and shouldnt be doing. I spent the 4 grand on my bike and 2 grand in upgrades and accessories to make ME happy, not you. So if you dont like my pipes ... too bad. Im not the one blazing past people full bore. Thats some other idiot who thinks they need to be loud to be noticed. My bike gets me noticed, not my loud pipes. I just happen to like it loud, when i want it to be.

This argument is never ending though, goes on and on at the one shadow forum i belong to as well. I said my peace on the subject.

Easy Rider
06-18-2007, 07:39 PM
Sorry to those who take this personal. But this risking others rights is such bs. Unless you are riding like a jackass making as much noise as possible, cops leave you alone. ... but out in the open country theres cows going 'WHAT??'. .

Well, listen, it is impossible to know for sure whether you are "one of those" or not so let's assume that you are NOT. It just struck me that your original post was, in effect, saying "My bike is damn LOUD and I proud of it!". Experience tells me that riders with that attitude ARE the problem.

I can't believe that you are so dense that you don't see the cause and effect relationship at work here. If there never were loud pipes, there never would be people clammoring for more and more restrictive laws. Hard to enforce local "noise" laws, sure it is. But then the Feds made it easy; modify a bike so that is louder than stock and you are a criminal. Simple and easy. Alas, that is not enforced either.

So now we get to the part where it affects MY RIGHTS. Not willing or not able to enforce the existing laws and with more LOUD bikes hitting the streets every day, the public is now demanding and getting complete BIKE BANS in some areas. Some stick and some don't but the fact remains that if there were no ass holes with excessively loud pipes, there would be no bike bans. You think the people just don't like the color of the bikes, or the smell of the riders..........nope, they don't hate bikers, just the ones who are IN-YOUR-FACE LOUD.

No loud pipes, no lost rights. Like it or not, it IS a fact. Don't want it to be true? Me neither but it is true. Of course, nothing is ever quite that simple because other factors figure into it.......like packs of riders getting rowdy (drunk) and raising hell off the bikes, but those laws ARE enforced and very few "average" people are ever exposed to that.
What they are exposed to is the excessive NOISE.

I take offense to people telling me what i should and shouldnt be doing.

Well maybe it's going to get personal again.
Boo fricking Hoo.
Maybe you should move to Siberia, where the rest of us wouldn't bother you. :tongue:

.........but out in the open country theres cows going 'WHAT??'.

Now it gets REAL personal. I happen to live in the country, about a mile from the edge of a sizable town............just about exactly where the BadAss M-F'ers decide to see how really loud they can make them pipes beller.......all hours of the day and night. This definitely risks my right to some peace and quiet. :cuss:

And on a final note, mess with my cows all you want but you had better leave the SHEEP alone !!!! :roll:

06-19-2007, 05:01 AM

06-21-2007, 05:11 PM
In other places law enforcement may be smarter but were I live There dumb as rocks..... (dont get me started) .. My point is I still want directions on how to adjust the mix and also if it is a crome tube I could just Use the repair pipe off my wrecked car LOL.

Easy Rider
06-21-2007, 09:11 PM
My point is I still want directions on how to adjust the mix and also if it is a crome tube I could just Use the repair pipe off my wrecked car LOL.

Help yourself out a bit and look around (search) on here. Other threads already cover (probably) everything you want to know. After that, if you have some specific questions, you will get good answers. :tup:

06-22-2007, 12:02 AM
Well, with a little welding you could use a cherry bomb if you wanted lol. I covered the mix in the 'howto' for this mod. Basically i started from stock, went 1/4 turn rich, rode it, another 1/4 turn, rode it ... till i felt it was riding like it should. I put enough miles on it to know when it was running hot/lean. So that helped in getting the mix set right.

09-03-2007, 09:18 PM
this weekend my husband took his trusty drill and put (5) 1/2" holes in the end of my baffle. approx. 6" deep. my little thumper really thumps now instead of purrs. we rode all day after the modification and i got 219 miles on 2.7 gallons of 93.5 gas. i've been using 93 - 93.5 octane since i have had it and the best i could do was 78 mpg. today translates to roughly 81 mpg. my bike is only 3 months old,so that may have something to do with it. i just know i love the sound now.

11-25-2007, 12:36 AM
has anyone else drilled holes? It sounds like an easy way to get a little volume but, I don't want to do anything yet without a little more feedback on this.

11-25-2007, 11:18 AM
Raysuki, my little gz has 4 holes drilled in the baffle (was this way when I bought it). It has a little more thump than oem. My profile pictures has a view of the muffler with the 4 holes.

Dupo: sorry man, but motorcylists are losing rights due to loud pipes. One city in Colorada (may be Denver ?? or Colorado city?) has already outlawed any sound louder than OEM and require stickers placed on the bikes. Without the stickers, they cannot get license plates and get fines or impounded. I believe in people's rights, however, no one has a right to ride a motocycle (or drive a car); it is a privilege granted by our home states. If people do not follow the rules associated with the privilege, than we loose the right to complain when the privilege is removed. Our 'rights' end where other 'rights' begin. I like the sound of a good thump, but hate loud sounds period. Loud sounds literally hurt my ears and loud sounds hurt others' ears also; one reason I never have been to a concert.

Dupo: I thought you sold your gz when you bought the shadow. Did you buy another gz??

11-25-2007, 01:44 PM
david, do you have a pic handy you can post?

11-25-2007, 01:56 PM
They have noise ordinances everywhere. Even in the town i live in. Every inspection station in town requires to have baffles installed or they wont pass you. PA has an 85 db law in place.

You know what though, when you get your bike inspected you toss in your stock or BCT baffles for the inspection then take them out afterwards. I have also NEVER seen them setup somewhere with noise level equipment. Even if they did, they better be darn sure they are exactly 50' away while they 'test' your db level and they better be darn sure they have that calibrated and anything else that would get the ticket thrown out. I have a friend who went thru the police academy here and said they rarely even carry sound enforcement equipment in their vehicles. If you arent being a dick about the loudness of the pipes they leave you alone. If you are being a dick, you'd probably see a reckless driving ticket along with an excessive noise ticket. Can almost guarantee they wont be breaking out the sound equipment and measuring out 50' then have you drive by just to get you on a db level rap lol. Way too much work for them when they can just hit you with reckless driving (which, if you're being too loud, you're probably riding like a dumbass).

Yea i sold the GZ a year ago David. But i still own the place and still encourage people to buy a GZ as their first bike :)

11-25-2007, 06:27 PM
Raysuki, go to http://www.gz250bike.com/viewtopic.php?t=181

You may have to save the picture to your computer and use your built in photo editing software and increase the size to see the baffle. It is the bottom of the four pictures

11-26-2007, 10:37 AM
here is a picture of my gz250 with the pipe drilled and my stereo system mounted. it consists of a 100w amplifier mounted next to the side cover ,the speakers on the bars and my mp3 player hanging below my throttle. the pipes have a great sound and i can still hear my music without blasting anyone. i have since mounted a new tailpipe,i won't call it a muffler because it doesn't muffle anything. i will send a picture of it when i get it.

http://www.postimage.org/aVn6UEr.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVn6UEr)

http://www.postimage.org/aVn7K1r.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVn7K1r)

Easy Rider
11-26-2007, 08:19 PM
has anyone else drilled holes? It sounds like an easy way to get a little volume but, I don't want to do anything yet without a little more feedback on this.

Yes, but 1/2 inch holes will make a BIG difference.

I put 1/4 inch holes in mine; 4 of them, inside the raised ridge near the center hole.
I think that putting them outside the ring would be more of a change.
I'd be afraid that 1/2 inch holes would affect the flow too much and result in reduced performance (without jetting changes) but maybe not.

Anyway, with 1/4 holes, you could easily tap them and put in 1/4 inch bolts to get it back to stock.

11-27-2007, 11:56 AM
here are the pictures of my new pipe. this is louder than the drilled stock pipe.
http://www.postimage.org/aVxrr_J.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVxrr_J)

http://www.postimage.org/aVxrJsJ.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVxrJsJ)

11-28-2007, 01:20 PM
How did you mount the pipe to the hanger?

11-28-2007, 02:19 PM
the pipe comes with a set of three interlocking adapters that fit fit the existing pipe. and it comes with a bracket that mounts to the frame. the bracket is about 1 - 1 1/2 inches too long. a friend cut a piece of 1/8 " stainless 3" long and drilled holes in each end to match the frame and sliding bolt on the pipe. my husband had to cut the old pipe just to the left of the weld,because of a bolt or something on the old pipe behind the cover. i will try to get closer pictures and post tommorrow. i got the pipe from j.c. whitney - it is a 18" seamless shorty megaphone with removable baffles. cost was around $53.00.

11-28-2007, 06:37 PM
Thanks for the info. There is also a longer version of the same pipe, for anyone who wants a slightly deeper tone.

03-17-2008, 02:50 PM
What carb mods are required if any for a drilled pipe ?

what sound increase can be noticed ?

1 - candy did you have the jetting changed for the drilled pipe ?

2 - easy - rider did you have to change the jetting for the drilled pipe ? was the sound better ?

3 - David I can't see the pipe clearly are the holes inside the centre near the main hole ? what jetting was required ?

4 - any one else with some info ?

Easy Rider
03-17-2008, 02:58 PM
2 - easy - rider did you have to change the jetting for the drilled pipe ? was the sound better ?

No and no.

What we have to work with is, after all, an engine that is about the same as a large lawn mower.....honestly.
It is never going to sound like a "big" motorcycle, no matter what you do to it.

With my 4 little holes, the sound difference is noticeable only to the operator; a few feet away and it's pretty much the same.

IMHO, if you really think you need to make more noise, get different pipes.

And if you really, REALLY think you need to make more noise.........get a different bike. :tup:

03-17-2008, 04:04 PM
And whatever you do, do not punch the baffles. I did it way back when and it sounded horrible. I spent $400 and replaced the whole system it was so bad.

06-17-2008, 01:41 PM
Candy, what did you have to do to the carb with that new pipe? My wife just got a GZ250 and whoever had it didn't just drill holes in the end plate, they ripped the whole dang thing out. Bike sounds like a dirt bike. Needs to be changed. I will do what Candy did but where do I find the shims and jets if needed for the carb?

06-17-2008, 02:36 PM
Read Jaime's write-up on the "GZ power increase"


06-18-2008, 08:27 AM
i didn't make any carb adjustments or rejetting with the new pipe. i still get 83 miles to the gallon and have had it up to 70 mph on the interstate for up to 50 miles. i have not had a reason to ride further,so i don't know how long i can maintain that speed.other than a better sound i haven't seen any change. my husband raised my idle a little,but i don't think that was because of the pipe.

El Diablo
06-18-2008, 11:37 PM
Has anyone else noticed that this thread has gotten almost four thousand views in one day. What the heck is going on here?? Is there a key word in the topic that is tripping some web monitors or something.

06-18-2008, 11:55 PM
That's 3800 since August 2006.