View Full Version : Some updates

10-23-2007, 10:00 PM
Updated pics .... with the 6" harley risers and relocated rear signals.

Double click to view larger ... once at imageshack, click the pic once more for FULL size.

http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/7383/sept07007az5.th.jpg (http://img126.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sept07007az5.jpg)
http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/7823/sept07004dc2.th.jpg (http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sept07004dc2.jpg)
http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/4451/bikesig1od5.th.jpg (http://img254.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bikesig1od5.jpg)
http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/6131/sept07006vl6.th.jpg (http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sept07006vl6.jpg)
http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/3999/sept07008of1.th.jpg (http://img263.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sept07008of1.jpg)

Water Warrior 2
10-24-2007, 07:08 PM
Dupo, the Honda is just too clean and shiney. You need to get out and ride it more. lol. Does look good though. Does it bark a fair bit with the different pipes ??

10-24-2007, 11:48 PM
Its got quite a bark. I installed Big City Thunder baffles which give me the open pipe sound without losing any power. Lost a little bit of my jake brake sound on decel (thanks to my hypercharger closing on decel, makes a wild sound) but other than that, its pretty much an open pipe sound with the baffles.

Ive owned it one year now and went from 2200 miles to 8200 miles .. so yea, i do ride it .... i just spend alot of time cleaning it as well lol.