View Full Version : Aftermarket turn signals?

11-13-2012, 11:22 AM
I was wondering where I can get some aftermarket turn signals for the GZ. I don't like the stock ones because they are so flimsy. Now with aftermarket ones, will the stock bulbs and wiring just fit in there?

11-13-2012, 01:45 PM
Dunno about Canada, but over here we can just walk in the bike shop, and select from dozens on display.

Yes, the wiring is just a straight swap, but the it may not match colour for colour, from different manufacturers.

Water Warrior 2
11-13-2012, 06:06 PM
Look around but don't buy just yet. Wait till you break off a signal and then buy a set.

11-15-2012, 09:10 AM
Good idea waiting till it breaks. Here in Toronto I haven't seen too many bike shops. A couple new ones popped up now that the hipsters are all riding older Honda standards, but they sell more shirts and jeans than actual bike parts.

Water Warrior 2
11-15-2012, 04:40 PM
Rather than dressing your bike and replacing stuff before it's time I have a good suggestion. Spend the next few weeks/months collecting riding gear for your body. It can get kinda spendy but you can never be too safe. Xmas is coming too. Let friends and family know what you have found and suggest gift certificates you can add to your $ for gear.
Many shops and online vendors will be clearing out old stock soon at a reduced price.
Never ever assume an accident won't happen to you. Protect your entire body. Armored riding gear will protect your knees, elbows, shoulders and back. Boots, you have one pair of feet to last a lifetime. Same goes for your hands. Get gloves. Eye protection with or without a helmet visor is a good idea too.
Make sure all your gear is comfy and you will use it more often until you feel naked without it.

Wear "ALL THE GEAR ALL THE TIME". (ATGATT). Ride like you are invisible to others.

11-15-2012, 09:31 PM
Great advice WW. So fair I have a good amount of gear, from a good set of boot, HEAVY old school leather jacket, two pairs of armored gloves, a ZOX full helmet and an Icon Styker Armoured vest in bright orange :)

Water Warrior 2
11-15-2012, 11:26 PM
You're off to a good start.