View Full Version : 1999 GZ-250 Red - Raleigh NC - asking $1400

11-05-2012, 11:08 PM
My lady friend is selling her bike...here's the listing on Raleigh Craigslist:


She's ready to move up to a bigger bike...I've got a Suzuki Boulevard S40, and I'm looking for a Boulevard M50, so she will probably get the S40 once I've found an M50. :cool: If you happen to know of anyone reputable selling an M50, please let me know!

If you're interested in the GZ-250, shoot me a txt, that's the best way to reach me.


Water Warrior 2
11-05-2012, 11:48 PM
Got a good M-50 downstairs but it is too far away from your location to be a practical purchase. The M-50 is a good step up from a GZ.