View Full Version : Blown lights fuses

10-07-2007, 01:30 AM
When I picked up my 'new' 2005 bike last week, the signal lights and break light didn't work and two fuses were blown, the numbers 4 (15A) and 5 (10A) on the wiring diagram.
I put the two spares in and everything worked, but after driving um, like 100 feet, the lights didn't work anymore and the two fuses were blown again.
It was a short via an orange/blue wire underneath the tank, a loop from and to the same connector. The loop touched the head of the engine and a bit of the plastic insulation was melted away. Well some good old Scotch-33 electric tape took care of that ! And the wire is now safely away from the heat.
While trying to find the short (initially I suspected it in the headlight area) it turned out that the rear brake pedal activates the break light via the 10A fuse, and the front break handle activates the break light via the 15A fuse. Apparently when you use both brakes, you can blow two fuses via one little short...
So now I'm wondering if that is normal, because according to the wiring diagram both break light switches are fed only via the 15A fuse. Maybe they introduced it some time between 1999 (wiring diagram) and 2005. :??:

10-07-2007, 02:08 PM
I took a quick look at the wiring diagram. It looks like they both go through the same fuse to me.

10-10-2007, 11:37 PM
Yes there is a discrepancy with the wiring diagram.
So, would anyone owning a 2005 or newer GZ250 be so kind as to take the 15 "signals" fuse out and check if the breaklight works with the break pedal and not the handle ? If so, they have changed something since 1999, if not, I have something to fix (however since everything works fine I probably won't). My Suzuki's break light still works with the 15A fuse out and the 10A in, but with the rear break pedal only, not with the front break handle...

10-13-2007, 10:10 AM
So, would anyone owning a 2005 or newer GZ250 be so kind as to take the 15 "signals" fuse out and check if the breaklight works with the break pedal and not the handle?

2005 GZ250 here. I tried this and with the fuse pulled the front brake lever causes the light to work while the rear pedal does not.

I looked at every wiring diagram I have and they all clearly show both of them using the same fuse. I wonder what else is different.

10-13-2007, 08:55 PM
Badbob, Thank you for checking. :tup:

Apparently Suzuki changed the wiring such that the break light works even if one of the lights fuses is blown. Provided you use both brakes. One of the fuses 'feeds' to the break lever and the other one to the pedal. Their intent is probably to increase safety.
Well everything works like it should now, and in due time Suzuki will publish a new wiring diagram for our "03" type models, so until then we'll have to do with the 1999 diagram.

PS instead of "break handle" in my previous posts please read "break lever"...English...