View Full Version : relal km/mileage in my bike

08-14-2012, 06:25 PM
I'm quiet new in this forum..a few weeks ago I have bought a bike which is built in 2003.
After a few weeks as I get more familiar in this bike - I started to read this forum - I noticed that the chain is too long....and it has also been already changed, it is a Regina O-ring chain mounted. As I know the original chain is made by DID. So I started to think about the real mileage of the bike.
I mean the instrument displays 7000km (approx. 4300miles), but the chain isn't the oroginal one, and it is also weared. The sprocket and the rear toothed wheel is in perfect condition (no sign of any wear, still the original ones.)
Also the tires are the original, already 9 years old, the DOT number is the same as my bike manufacturing year. Each tire is Sava (original tire in the European market) The front tire looks great, thread depth is more than 4mm (not measured exactly), the rear tire is already more used, it's thread is 2,6mm deep.
What is your opinion, how long the original tire lasts, how many km/mile colud be the real mileage of this bike? What do you recommend to check, which parts does really showes me it's mileage?
Thanks in advence!

08-14-2012, 09:09 PM
No way I am aware of to tell for sure. My rear tire needs replaced at 3300 miles, but the previous owner was a young kid that gutted the muffler and I am sure he abused the bike some. It possible your chain was just not cared for, and ran dry and dirty. That is about all I can think of.

Water Warrior 2
08-14-2012, 10:13 PM
I'm quiet new in this forum..a few weeks ago I have bought a bike which is built in 2003.
After a few weeks as I get more familiar in this bike - I started to read this forum - I noticed that the chain is too long....and it has also been already changed, it is a Regina O-ring chain mounted. As I know the original chain is made by DID. So I started to think about the real mileage of the bike.
I mean the instrument displays 7000km (approx. 4300miles), but the chain isn't the oroginal one, and it is also weared. The sprocket and the rear toothed wheel is in perfect condition (no sign of any wear, still the original ones.)
Also the tires are the original, already 9 years old, the DOT number is the same as my bike manufacturing year. Each tire is Sava (original tire in the European market) The front tire looks great, thread depth is more than 4mm (not measured exactly), the rear tire is already more used, it's thread is 2,6mm deep.
What is your opinion, how long the original tire lasts, how many km/mile colud be the real mileage of this bike? What do you recommend to check, which parts does really showes me it's mileage?
Thanks in advence!
Chain wear is a puzzle to many riders. Some bikes get excellant kms from a chain and others just will not. The previous owner may have been very lax with chain maintenance and not adjusting it properly. The Regina O-ring chain is a good one so don't frett too much. Clean it with kerosene, wipe dry with a cloth, lube and adjust it. Do not over tighten the chain, you are better off having a little more slack than no slack at all. The owners manual here will give you the proper numbers for slack and the procedure for adjusting. If the chain is too long then it is probably worn out and in need of replacing. You should check the front sprocket for wear. It works much harder than the rear sprocket. If everything looks good just ride and continue with regular maintenance.

On to your tires. You need new tires. Any tire over 5 years old is going to hurt you. The rubber gets hard and slippery. No grip means you will fall sooner than later. Even more so if it is wet or raining. The tires may look good but it really is an illusion when it comes to your safety and welfare.

Welcome to the forum

08-15-2012, 05:48 AM
Thanks, the front sprocket is in really good condition, but the chain cannot be tightened any more, it's already adjusted to the end position.
I already bought an RK520XSO chain (which is probably the best I could yue in this bike...I live in Hungary it was appr. 83USD) and both sprockets (front JTF434.15, price: 10USD, and rear JTR819/2.41, price 23USD) even if they are in good condition, because I read in several threads it's recommended to change the sprockets in the same time as the chain is replaced).
About the tires: I choose for the front a Save MC7 tire which is OEM tire here in Europe for this bike (77USD), and for the rear I chose different one a Continental Milestone CM2 tire (106USD).
Basically I asked for the mileage signs because I started to invest money in the bike and I had fear if it worth.
What is the average lifetime of the engine, how many miles/km?
Thanks, Best wishes

08-15-2012, 06:41 AM
Welcome.I had 46000 Km on mine when I sold it & it still worked perfectly.
:) :cool:

08-16-2012, 05:35 AM
Is there any forum thread about mileage? i think it would be an interesting information to know it, because of the engine lifitime.. I know there are a lot of factors which influence it, but anyhow it would be nice to know others experiences about it..

08-16-2012, 08:12 AM
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5798&hilit=mileage (http://gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5798&hilit=mileage)

08-24-2012, 10:35 AM
You might like this read too.


For whatever it is worth, my two cents is that if the GZ meets your needs in terms of size, handling, etc, then it sounds like a worthwhile investment right now for you.