View Full Version : motorcycle club.

Rookie Rider
07-18-2012, 11:41 AM
Im gonna start looking at a motorcycle club to join because i think i dont ride enough because im always alone and its boring after awhile, know what i mean ??

Water Warrior 2
07-18-2012, 04:29 PM
That is one side of the equation. I like riding alone with no one to keep track of in heavy traffic or on unfamiliar roads. I can always just wander around with no destination in mind. Group rides were a bit of a challenge when I tried them. Part of the group was a bit too racey and always wound up too far ahead which eventually lead to 2 groups texting back and forth to meet up again somewhere.
Unless you get involved with a very well organised group that is very safety oriented you have a greater risk of a mishap.
One group ride I was on went fairly well. Before heading out 2 of the riders said they would be enjoying the twisties at high speeds in a certain section of road so don't even try to keep up. That was more than acceptable to all involved and we would catch up to them at the lunch destination.
The ride back was pleasant at the speed limit until one dufus showed how well he could pass using his cruise control and his hands in his lap. I didn't get it then and never will. Why do something that can lead to disaster.
Yeah, I am negative concerning group rides but with good reason. Start a group or join a group but be really sure it is a safe group to avoid any risk. Ride safe.

Rookie Rider
07-18-2012, 11:08 PM
I hear ya WW, i do want to be safe at all times. I will be going to an open house at this motorcycle club and get a feel for it/them. It will be in the future if i join, when i move up with a new bike. Thanks alot for your opinion.

Water Warrior 2
07-18-2012, 11:25 PM
I hear ya WW, i do want to be safe at all times. I will be going to an open house at this motorcycle club and get a feel for it/them. It will be in the future if i join, when i move up with a new bike. Thanks alot for your opinion.
Be on the alert for the testosterone level once you get in a group ride. Some riders just have to be the Big Dog no matter what the situation.

07-19-2012, 02:28 AM
I have been quite keen for some group rides for awhile now, just havent had the chance to get to one. Theres a local website/forum where people can post planned group rides. One general rule I found in the organising them is a leader and a tail end charlie, No one goes in front or no one drops behind, doesnt matter how fast/slow you are. The TEC will always ride at your pace. Theres usually a no passing rule as well. That doesnt go for all group rides, it depends on the participants. But be weary of groups that dont adhear to those, they can, as WW said, be challenging. Specially if you are the last one, and dont know the route.

I did ride with about 5 guys awhile back, on >400cc sports bikes, and me on the GZ. Came to a set of lights and a couple of them decided to race off. One guy stayed back with me though.

I think it would be a great idea if you could find a nice group, that matches your riding personality. Of course you are always going to get differnt people in a club/group. But if there are enough of you at the same pace, its all good.

Water Warrior 2
07-19-2012, 04:27 AM
Clonak, absolutely correct. From what I have read about proper group rides there is a designated leader and a sweeper bringing up the rear. No one is forced to ride above their skill level and no one is ever left behind to play catch up and endanger themselves or others on the road.

One of the locals at StarBucks was relating a recent event that was JUST PLAIN WRONG. I do not know where this happened. It seems a fairly new female rider was riding above her skill level at the tail end of a group. As luck would have it she crashed and broke the bike but was unharmed herself. When she was finally missed the group returned to find a well shaken young gal with an unridable bike. They continued on without her. That is one group of misfits that need a lesson about being human and caring about others.

07-19-2012, 08:47 AM
RR, just make sure you aren't joining some kind of "our dogma above all others" type of gang.
A riding club is one thing. Motorcycle goonies are another.

07-19-2012, 01:31 PM
What club? There are other ways to go too. Rider groups, and associations. That's without all the probationary periods. If you choose to join a M/C, it is a long process with most of them. Anyway, good luck. BTW, if ya wanna know the difference, just google m/c and it will show you the levels of affiliations, and you can determine which one is best for you.

07-19-2012, 02:35 PM
From what I gather from most people on this site, no one here would be interested in joining a club. Riders associations, which are just normal people getting together to ride, seem to be the most sensible option.

Rookie Rider
07-19-2012, 07:36 PM
If im riding with a club or group and they want to take off on me and take fast turns etc. then thats on them. I dont ride agressive or crazy, i just ride. I told a few of the guys in the club im gonna look at, that im a new rider, its my second season and i have alot to learn still. They were cool about that and said some of them take sunday morning rides outside the club and its relaxing and calm. Then they said , now, riding with the club is a whole other story. Lol. The club im looking at does prospect for 1year and has a monthly payment that i would have to hand in, $80-$100 bucks a month which is alot to me.

Water Warrior 2
07-19-2012, 09:51 PM
Maybe just find a group of riders who meet for sunday brunch and then go for a ride. The only dues are your brunch bill and gas. If there is an actual destination that's all good, if not it is still good. Just be sure that your are welcome to leave the group if the destination is too far for you and you want to cut the ride a bit short. If possible get into a group with male/female riders and the pace will be a bit slower and more enjoyable. Folks riding 2 up will tend to go slower too from my experience. It makes for a more relaxed and comfy ride when you weed out some racier groups.

Rookie Rider
07-19-2012, 10:21 PM
That sounds nice to me. Im gonna look up some groups online.

07-19-2012, 11:07 PM
I always ride alone, only because I don't know anyone else with a bike. There are times that I would like to ride with someone else, not really a group, but one or two others.

Rookie Rider
07-19-2012, 11:27 PM
Having a destination helps too. Ive gone out without a destination and stayed out for 3-4 hours.

Water Warrior 2
07-20-2012, 07:30 AM
We had a small group of riders out a couple days ago. 5 guys on sport bikes with the testosterone flowing. They eventually met up with a special traffic task force on the Sea to Sky Highway(#99). Bikes impounded for a week, big fines and hopefully a lesson learned. Oh what am I thinking, they will be back again at the same speed or more. :lol:

07-20-2012, 07:50 AM
One more thing to consider; most M/C's have a displacement minimum. Most won't let you prospect unless you have 750 or bigger. If you think about a club, try one with community ties, like BACA. Or if you're a vet, one of the military M/C's. But you are right, most of the M/C's have a prospect, probationary, then patched fase. All with monthly dues.
I ride with the Patriot Guard Riders. We don't even call ourselves an association.

Water Warrior 2
07-20-2012, 08:03 AM
Bone head, thank you for riding with the PGR. The Fallen deserve a peaceful last ceremony that others would interfere with and show no repect to those who given everything they had. Sadly the disrepectful folks had their rights earned for them by the Fallen.

07-20-2012, 08:31 AM
.... The club im looking at does prospect for 1year and has a monthly payment that i would have to hand in, $80-$100 bucks a month which is alot to me.

This is stupid.

07-20-2012, 08:37 AM
No thanks needed. We feel it is and honor and privilidge to be asked to escort the fallen heros to their final resting place.

07-20-2012, 09:51 AM
I always ride alone, only because I don't know anyone else with a bike. There are times that I would like to ride with someone else, not really a group, but one or two others.

Same here. Been waiting for a friend from work to ride his into work. He's pretty much only a weekend rider (although he too has gone on rides/funerals for the PGR) and knows I'm a newbie, so I think it'd be good out on the roads. He recently switched from a VStar 650 to a VStar 1100. We've got another guy at work that rides what I think is an Electra Glide (I tend to get my "Glides" mixed up). But that guys rides without a helmet and I see him speeding off out of the parking lot every day. Not sure he'd take it easy for me, or not.

And I know you said no thanks needed, but many thanks to bonehead on your work with the PGR! :)

07-20-2012, 12:15 PM
= He recently switched from a VStar 650 to a VStar 1100.

This is a common habit among guys who don't ride hardly at all. I don't understand it. The Vstar 650 is a killer bike. I doubt very much that he out-grew it or needed something with more "umph" to get him over the hills.

07-20-2012, 12:26 PM
= He recently switched from a VStar 650 to a VStar 1100.

This is a common habit among guys who don't ride hardly at all. I don't understand it. The Vstar 650 is a killer bike. I doubt very much that he out-grew it or needed something with more "umph" to get him over the hills.

Yeah, in his particular case, that same co-worker I mentioned that had the Electra Glide......well, before he had the Electra Glide he had the VStar 1100 and gave the co-worker a sweet deal on the 1100 (after buying the Electra Glide). So far my friend has said nothing but good things about the 650 and encouraged me to look there if I'm ready to move on from the GZ.

07-20-2012, 02:12 PM
The club im looking at does prospect for 1year and has a monthly payment that i would have to hand in, $80-$100 bucks a month which is alot to me.

Rookie, I think they are trying to tell you they don't want you in the club!!!!
$80-$100 a month for what?!?!?
Are they paying down the club luxury condo?


"I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member." Groucho Marx

Water Warrior 2
07-20-2012, 03:19 PM
As Jonathan said, the Star650 is a killer bike. The need to go bigger is probably the reason for their demise in North America. I personally found them a tad tight to sit on but they were the most popular cruiser bike Yamaha made for a number of years. Yamaha told us right up front in their advertising that the bike's sweet spot was 55 mph. Not quite enough to satisfy everyone but you could move up in time. Decent quality, fit and finish, clean drive shaft and a V-twin. What's not to like.

07-20-2012, 03:48 PM
I sat on the 650 at the last bike show and it fit like a glove. If my next bike is a cruiser I'd pick this, or a 750 Shadow.

Rookie Rider
07-22-2012, 07:24 AM
cayuse, its not that they dont want me in the club. hahaha

07-22-2012, 01:24 PM
OK Rookie, I guess I'm just too cheap! Haha :)
I just can't imagine paying $1200/year to be a member of any club. Yes, you guessed it, I'm not a golfer, either. ;)

Rookie Rider
07-22-2012, 05:32 PM
Youre cheap and im poor. Lol