View Full Version : Which Service Manual should I buy?

07-15-2012, 12:45 AM
Thanks for posting the scanned service manual. It has been very helpful. I just bought a 2008 GZ (with 588 miles) and used the manual to perform the 600 mile break-in service.

However, I would like to buy a good service manual, as some of the photos / images of the scanned manual are hard for me to see the detail. When I find used copies on eBay, etc., they never specify which year they cover, but there are different publication dates and different editions. I'm presuming Suzuki released new editions due to changes in the motorcycle. The different service manuals have different part numbers.

While searching this website, I did read that there have only been slight change to the combustion chamber design in 04. The latest edition of the service manual I've seen on eBay is the 4th Edition published 2004. Does anyone know if that was the last edition published by Suzuki?

Does anyone have a suggestion for how to decide when edition / part number I should look for when buying a manual?

And, are there non-Suzuki service manuals that are better? (I've not been a fan of Haynes repair manuals for cars. I've never seen or used a Clymer repair manual. The "Cyclepedia" service manuals look like they might be really good (nice color photographs), but even with a lifetime subscription --- I hate being dependent on a company staying in business.

Your thoughts are appreciated....

07-15-2012, 04:45 AM
The one good thing about the Haynes for my Citroen is that The Citroen handbook tells me to use the higher grade fuel. Haynes told me to ignore that, and use the lower grade. So I did - 8 years ago - with no problems whatsoever, and a huge saving in fuel costs. :2tup:

07-15-2012, 07:28 AM
Has anyone even seen a Haynes manual for the GZ250?

07-15-2012, 07:41 AM
Has anyone even seen a Haynes manual for the GZ250?
To my knowledge there is no Haynes or Chamlers manual for the G.Z.You can download one from here or buy the Suzuki one which is expensive.($100.00)
:) :cool:

07-15-2012, 08:31 AM
Sorry - I apparently looked too quickly at the google results for service manuals. I can't find any Haynes or Clymer manuals for the GZ250 either.

I guess that reduces my questions to:

1) What is the latest edition of the Suzuki service manual that I'd need for my 2008 GZ (which edition / part number). The used Suzuki manuals run about $40 w/ shipping, but the latest edition I've seen on eBay is a 2004 release. (I have problems seeing details in some of the pictures of the version I downloaded here; that's why I'm wanting a different version/copy.)

2) Does anyone have any experience / opinion on the "Cyclepedia" on-line manual subscription?


07-16-2012, 11:16 AM
Has anyone even seen a Haynes manual for the GZ250?
To my knowledge there is no Haynes or Chamlers manual for the G.Z.You can download one from here or buy the Suzuki one which is expensive.($100.00)
:) :cool:
Like Blaine said, the one you can download from this site is a good one. Always helped me.