View Full Version : won't start after the rain

07-13-2012, 12:20 PM
hi, just got the 250 for a friend to learn on. runs great and she loves it.

I keep it covered with a waterproof cover outside. unfortunately, there is a lot of condensation. it rained quite a bit the past few days. I uncovered it and dried it off well. the engine stays dry but other parts of the bike were wet. went to start it, it started and died. then, nothing. I tried bump starting it, a different battery, etc. well, it was a blown fuse-the ignition one. I also noted some moisture near the battery terminals. running fine now with the new fuse.

I have a front porch that I think I will keep the bike on, with the cover when it is going to rain a lot.

any thoughts on this issue? thanks.

07-13-2012, 01:09 PM
Sounds like ya got it covered!

Water Warrior 2
07-13-2012, 02:39 PM
Make allowances for some air circulation to rid the bike of moisture and condensation. If the bike is too tightly wrapped there is no chance for things to dry out.

07-15-2012, 09:54 AM
There may be an exposed wire somewhere giving you a short. The fuse shouldn't blow just from moisture under the cover. Go over all your wiring, including in the headlight bucket and looked for a frayed wire somewhere.